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When the third years reached the gym, most everyone was already changed and practicing. Once they parted ways with you and into the club room, you walked to talk to the coaches, not hearing the whispers of the 2nd and 1st years behind you.

"She sure does "help out" a lot." Yahaba states, sensing something is going on.

"I'll bet you anything she's going to be our new manager since we don't have one and all." Kunimi butted in, drawing more people to the conversation.

"That's good for you, right Watari? I mean she'll probably help out with you the most, and that means you can take her from Oikawa!" Kindiachi teased his libero with a laugh, unaware of his captain's presence in the circle.

"Hm? What's this?" Oikawa began, making the team look at him with an obvious look of panic.

"A-Ah! Captain!" Watari jumped at his voice, hoping he didn't hear Kindiachi's little comment. Watari actually had no thoughts of trying to flirt with you while you were so happy with his teammate, none at all. This didn't really matter though if others kept teasing him about you.

"So Watari, I hear you're trying to take Y/N from me? I wish you the best of luck!" Oikawa's voice was sweet, almost like he was giving his underclassman praise. This didn't last very long though, because as soon as he asked, his face dropped and his eyes bore holes into Watari's head. "However, I have absolutely no intentions of letting it happen."

There was an awkward tension for a couple seconds before Oikawa let a smile form on his lips, speaking up again. "Although, if we both show the same fondness for her, I trust you'll make her wear knee-pads next time." Oikawa stated, handing his libero an extra set for you, knowing you two would probably practice together today. Once he said what he needed to say, Oikawa left the cluster of underclassmen and headed over to you and his coaches.

"Y/N, do you think you can go ask the girls team if they have extra clothes and shoes for you?" Coach Irihata.

"Oh, there's no need! I bring my old volleyball stuff with me because I wanted to play with the boys a while back during lunch but couldn't because of my skirt. I don't think we wear the same shorts in America though, do you guys have a rule of how short something can be?" You asked, a bit nervous about wearing your spandex in front of a gym full of boys.

"I don't suppose, plus I'm sure Oikawa will have a fit if he thinks someone is paying too much attention to what you're wearing." Coach Mizoguchi piped him, gesturing to the pouting boy standing next to you.

You rolled your eyes at his toddler like behavior. "He's the one I'm worried about." You say, walking off to go change.

You took a look at yourself in the bathroom mirror, trying your hardest to pull down the tight material hugging your legs. It wasn't bad, but the girls teams here wore things similar to basketball shorts, then you waltz out in these? Taking a deep breath, you exited the bathroom and entered the gym door a couple feet away.

Immediately as you entered, you made eye contact with Oikawa, up in the air for a serve. His eyes drifted to your legs for a split second, then right back to the ball, executing his jump serve.

As soon as he was done, he walked over to you. "You mean to tell me that if I wanted to watch a female volleyball game in America, I'd have to watch 12 girls moving around in these?" Oikawa huffed, shaken up about the shorts you were wearing.

"Oh shut it. They aren't that bad, and they are a lot easier to move around in." You argue, trying to walk past him.

"Christ Y/N. The guys are gonna have a hayday staring at your legs." You paused and looked at him with a teasing grin.

"Let's just hope that my boyfriend doesn't let them, yea?" You say innocently, walking to the side of the gym to put down your bag.

As soon as the other boys caught a glimpse of you, it was hard to look away. I mean let's be honest, they're all horny all the time and now you're just prancing around in the shortest shorts you own. As much as that's true and all, they could all feel the aura radiating off of their setter from behind them.

"Staring is rude boys, especially staring at a girl. Now come on, we have practice to do." The team huddled around the coaches and captain, leaving you to continue the work you began this morning.

All you really had to do was go through some papers, and fill out another paper making you the official manager. Going through the various blanks and such, you heard a whistle being blown then footsteps coming over to you. Filling in your last blank, you looked up to see Watari with a ball and some knee pads in hand.

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