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After a little bit more of walking, you and Oikawa made it to your house. You opened the door, dragging Oikawa in with you.

"I'm home Mom!" You called putting to your mom, who was most likely in the kitchen preparing dinner for you.

"Alright! I'm making dinner. Is the boy with you?" You heard your mother's voice from across the house. You sigh, taking Oikawa to the kitchen to meet your mom.

"For the thousandth time, "the boy" has a name." You tell your mom with a laugh. "Tooru, this is my mom. Mom, this is my boyfriend Oikawa Tooru." You introduce the two, silently praying your mom isn't going to embarass you.

"Hello Ms. L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you." Oikawa put his hand out for your mom to shake.

"I would shake your hand, but my hands are kind of covered in food at the moment." Your mom tells him, lifting her hands to show.

"Do you need help? I normally cook for myself a lot, so I don't mind helping in the kitchen." Oikawa flashes a sweet smile to your mother, which she quickly returns.

"That would be lovely! You and Y/N can cut vegetables. Just go upstairs and set your things down." Your mom told you to, gesturing to the stairs.

"Alright Mom, give us a sec and we'll be right down." You grab Oikawa's hand, bringing him up the stairs and into your room.

"I'm gonna change, I may have a shirt or something you can wear if you want?" You ask, beginning to go through your drawers, looking for some clothes for you.

"No, I think I'm okay. Practice wasn't too hard, so I'm not that sweaty or anything so I should be fine." He replies, taking a seat at the chair in front of your desk, picking up the frame of you two sitting on it.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go change and then we can head down." You tell him clothes in hand.

"Sounds good. Hey wait, I have a question." Oikawa perks up, trying to catch you before you walk into your bathroom.

"Ask me when I'm back, I don't want to be in these shorts for longer than I have to." You tell him, already out the door.

Oikawa took this as a chance to admire the picture in his hands. He had stared at it so many times before, but he would never get tired of it. He loved the way you were looking at him in it, he just loved everything about it. It was just a nice reminder that you were his, that it wasn't one-sided anymore.

"You had a question Oiks?" You ask him, returning to your room and throwing your other clothes somewhere on the ground. Oikawa placed the fram back down, looking up at you with a raised eyebrow. You laughed at his expression, making your way over to sit on the corner of the bed across from where your chair was.

"Oiks? That's new." Oikawa questions the nickname while rolling the chair he was in to be in front of you on the bed. You gave him a smile before leaning forward to rest your head on his shoulder.

"It takes too long to say Oikawa and Tooru, so Oiks it is." You explain to him, making him lightly chuckle.

His arms wrapped around your waist and he laid his head on top of yours. "Oiks it is." Oikawa repeated, giving in to your little nickname.

After about 30 seconds, you abruptly sat back up, making Oikawa lean back. "Okay, lets go downstairs. We have vegetables to chop!" You tell him, putting up your hair and walking out of your room with your brunette boyfriend following.

Once you were in the kitchen you went digging in the drawer, aggressively looking for something.

"They're in the pantry Y/N." Your mom spoke up, reminding you of where the aprons were.

"Ah! Thank you!" You make your way to the pantry and pull out two pink aprons. Once you tied one on yourself, you turned to Oikawa.

"No. All we're doing is chopping vegetables, there's no need." Oikawa tells you, bluntly shutting down your idea.

"Please Tooru? I wanted to take a picture with you while we were matching!" You put on your best fake pout, and drew out your words.

"I can never say no to you-" Oikawa starts, before being cut off by your mom.

"She knows. That's why she does it." You mom exchanged glances with Oikawa before letting out a laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes?" You ask, edging closer to Oikawa, waving the apron in front of him.

"Yes." He let out with a sigh and the smallest smile.

You placed the apron over his head and went behind him to tie the knot with a smug expression, knowing he wouldn't have ever told you no. Once the apron was on and tied, you stepped in front of him to admire your work. Pulling the hair tie off of your wrist, you stepped closer to him, standing on your tiptoes to reach the top of his head.

You began tying his small fringe with the tie, making it about 1 ½ twists before he started to protest. Before he could really get one word out though, you leaned down to his ear.

"You know you're the cutest guy I've ever seen right?" Your words were laced with confidence. You were absolutely positive a little bit of bribery with a compliment would have Oikawa wrapped around your finger.

Oikawa puffed out his now slightly red cheeks, and annoyed look on his face. "I hate you so much Y/N>" He huffed, his voice really quiet.

When you were done with his hair, you leaned down and placed a kiss on his nose. "Sure you do Oiks."

"Hey! You two, the vegetables are waiting!" Your mom interrupted, pointing towards the group of vegetables on the counter, ready to be cut.

After some picture-taking, vegetable-cutting, and really-good-food-eating, the tables were cleared and the dishes were washed (much to Oikawa's protest, in his words "I'm the guest, I should at least leave you with a clean kitchen!". Your mom didn't care though, she washed them herself.").

"I thought you came here to study Tooru? I have seen no studying." Your mom shouted to you and Oikawa sitting on the couch in the living room.

"She's right you know. We have that quiz tomorrow and I really need your help with it." You told him, standing off of the couch and beginning to walk up the stairs.

"I guess since you asked so nicely I can help you Y/N." Oikawa teased, following you to your room.

"I didn't ask at all Tooru." You retorted, laughing at his lack of attention.

"Do you want my help or not?"

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