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When you and Oikawa reached your bedroom, you sat yourself down in your desk, pulling out your work after. Oikawa took a spot on your bed, letting out a quiet sigh.

"What is it Tooru?" You ask with a little laugh, finding your boyfriend's child-like behavior funny.

"Do we have to study right away? You could just come cuddle with me for just a little bit..." Oikawa trailed off, trying to convince you to join him on the bed.

You let your legs carry you a few feet to be in front of the bed, stopping just before you laid down.

"Only a few minutes okay?" You say, giving in to his request.

"Of course, pretty girl." Oikawa smirked, holding out his arms for you.

You gently placed yourself between his arms, your head laying on his chest. You felt yourself relax into the position, letting out a sigh.

"See? This is really nice." Oikawa spoke in a low, soothing voice.

"I can hear your heart beating super fast. Are you nervous by any chance Tooru?" You tease, moving your head a bit to look up at his flushed face.

"Well yeah, you always make me nervous." Oikawa mumbled, looking away from you.

Furrowing you're eyebrows, you shuffled to where you were sitting up on him rather than laying down. You grabbed both of his hands in yours, gaining his attention.

"Why do I make you nervous Tooru? I don't want you to have to feel like you need to walk on eggshells around me. A relationship won't work if you aren't comfortable around me..." You looked at your boyfriend with a small smile, giving a small squeeze to his hands.

"It's not that! I just don't want to mess up and lose you is all, I swear." Oikawa tried to explain.

"What makes you think you would lose me?" You question, titling your head just a bit.

"Well I mean you didn't even like me as a person when we first met, so what if you decide that you still think I'm fake and want to leave? On top of that, just about every guy at school wants you. You could very easily just leave and go on to someone else." Oikawa told you, his voice getting quieter with every word.

"Don't make me sound like I would hop from guy to guy Oikawa. I'm with you. Oikawa Tooru is my boyfriend, and that's not changing anytime soon." You stated.

"I know. I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that." Oikawa apologized, looking down again.

"I know you didn't baby, that's why I'm not upset. Also, don't worry about me deciding I don't like your personality. Everyone, but you it seems, is noticing a good change in you. Now, are you gonna keep wasting your cuddle time with me, or not?" You let out, giving a slight smirk.

"Of course not Y/N." Oikawa tells you, snaking his arms around your waist.

You slipped back down, placing your head in the crook of Oikawa's neck. After a couple of seconds, you felt Oikawa's hand in your hair, gently running his fingers through it.

You felt a wave of calmness wash over you. Whatever you were supposed to be studying was now long forgotten and you were just focused on that moment. Being so close to Oikawa was really nice, it was something that didn't happen to often.

You decided to take in the smell your boyfriend was radiating, the same one that lingers on the setters volleyball jacket you had been wearing. It was a kind of a fresh, clean smell, mixed with the faint smell of a gym. The gym part of it was no doubt inherited by the countless hours he spent practicing.

You made a mental note to make sure he didn't overwork himself from now on.

"Hey Tooru?" You heard a small hum come from him, most likely a sign of acknowledgement. "When are you going to be satisfied with yourself?" You ask, not really meaning for throw question to sound so deep.

"When I beat Ushiwaka of course." He tells you simply, not thinking twice about the question.

"What about after that? What happens then? Will you be satisfied?" You ask, genuinely just curious.

"Hmm, I guess as whole, Is be satisfied with myself when I marry you. If I could get a girl as amazing as you to marry me, I would have to be doing something right. I think that once I know I'm doing that something right, I wouldn't really strive to improve like I do." Oikawa's tone remains the same. A matter-of-fact voice flowed out of his mouth, letting you feel the vibrations in his chest.

"I think that you should be nicer to yourself, you know?" You say, pushing your head deeper into his neck.

"What do you mean? I love myself silly goose." Oikawa tells you, laughing a little.

"Well yea, but your never happy with what you do. You're an amazing volleyball player, and incredible student, and a wonderful friend. You should give yourself credit for the stuff you do now, not what you think you can accomplish later on." You tell him, letting out a yawn.

"Oh, I am plenty happy with my accomplishments I have now. Especially one called Y/N, her boyfriend is the best title I've ever managed to earn." Oikawa whispers, melting into the sleepy atmosphere of your room, eventually following you into sleep.

You guys got absolutely no studying done that night.

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