four 1/2

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You and Iwaizumi were joking and laughing together as you entered the gym where practice was being held. As the loud doors opened, the third years that knew you briefly paused to greet you and Iwaizumi befitting continuing on with their previous activities.

Iwaizumi soon left to go change, so you found yourself sitting on the sidelines of the court, waiting for Oikawa. Looking around, he was the only one of the third years you didn't see. Maybe something happend? You thought to text him, but then heard the voice of the boy you were thinking of headed towards you, his normal voice that is.

"Y/N! You're here!" Oikawa ran towards you.

"Well yeah, I told you I was coming." You said with a small laugh.

When the boy reached you, he looked around a bit before his eyes met yours with a confused expression.

"Uhh L/N? Where's my blanket?" You felt your heart drop. How could you forget the ONE thing you needed to bring? That was the whole reason you came today!

"Umm.. I might have forgotten it?" Your face flushed, and you averted his gaze, hoping he wouldn't be mad.

"Really?" Oh god, here it comes. "That's okay, but are you sure you forgot it? You sure you didn't bring it so that you could keep it?" He gave you a playful gaze, and that earned him and equally playful smack on the shoulder.

"Ow, jeez L/N I was just joking!" He exclaimed.

"Whatever. Now, take me to your coach so I can see what I can help out with." Oikawa turned his head around, looking for his coach.

By now, the whole team was changed and in the gym, a few giving you some odd glances. You figured that was probably just because they didn't recognize you as one of his fangirls, and it was even more puzzling because weekends practices were normally closed.

Ignoring the murmurs of the underclassmen, you and Oikawa headed over to the head coach.

"Oikawa! This the girl you wanted to help out?" Coach Irihata asked the brunette.

"Mhm. What do you need her to do?" Oikawa asked before you could even introduce yourself.

"Go practice Oikawa, you're gonna look lazy just standing over here by me." You shooed the settee off to go begin practicing with the rest of his team.

"Sorry about that, I'm L/N Y/N. I'm in Oikawa's class and he asked me to come help out, what would you like me to do?" You asked the coach, sticking your hand out for a handshake.

"Have you ever played volleyball? Do you understand the rules of it?" The coach began asking questions to see how familiar you were with the sport.

"I played as libero for my middle school, or junior high team, we almost made it to nationals in my 3rd year, but my other years we weren't anything special." You told coach Irihata about your previous experience in the game.

"Ah. That makes things easier, you can practice receives with Watari while the rest of us to hitting drills." He pointed to a shorter, darker skinned, boy talking with Iwaizumi, Oikawa, and some other 3rd years. You didn't recognize him, so you figured he must have been a 2nd or 1st year.

You grabbed a ball and headed over to him, tapping him on the shoulder when you reached him.
The third years talking with him paused, wondering what you were doing, especially a certain setter.

"Excuse me? Are you Watari?" You asked, making sure you didn't get anyone mixed up.

"Yea that's me. Is something going on?"He asked, evidently confused.

"Ah no! My name is L/N, your coach asked me to practice receives with you." You told him what the coach had told you just a bit before.

"Oh okay." He sounded hesitant, which made you laugh. You put a bad on his shoulder and looked at him with a smile.

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