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"Do you want to pepper with me? Today is focused on serving, but since I can't serve I can't do much, and trying to receive them is too hectic when everyone is serving." You looked up at him, smiling and nodding before standing up and walking to an unoccupied area of the gym.

"Oh, Oikawa asked me to make you use these." Watari told you, handing you the kneepads. You accepted them, rolling your eyes.

"Of course he did." You bent down to try and pull them over your shoes.

"You know, he's changed a lot since he started hanging out with you, I don't know how to explain it, but he's more real." Watari told you, throwing up the ball and passing it to you.

"How so?" You tilt your head, passing the ball back to him.

"Before he would entertain his fangirls a lot, something that has totally stopped now. He also used to be overly happy, like he was trying to be perfect. Now though, he actually shows emotions other than happy, flirty, and determined." You smiled at his words, glancing at your boyfriend serving.

"That's really good to hear." You reply, spiking the ball down this time rather than a pass. Watari received it perfectly of course, sending it right back to you. Seeing the opportunity to hit again, you slammed the ball down full force. The sudden add of power took Watari off guard, and the ball flew towards the court.

You gave a small apology before Watari went to go get the ball from the area the rest of his team was serving. After grabbing the ball, Watari walked towards Oikawa, a shocked look on his face.

"Oikawa, I thought she was a libero?" Watari asked his captain, surprising him before a serve toss.

"What do you mean? She was a libero." Oikawa stated, looking at Watari with a raised eyebrow.

"The hit she just sent me isn't the hit of someone who played in junior high as a libero." Watari told him. "I'm gonna go back over there, watch her hit it." the shorter male jogged back to the corner of the gym the two of you were passing at.

"Sorry for sending it way off, I won't hit it again if you don't want me to." You told him nervously, scratching the back of your neck.

"Oh, you're fine, it just shocked me, that's why it went so far. Hit as hard as you can Y/N, it'll be better practice than passing anyway." Watari told you with a thumbs up, before throwing the ball up for you to hit.

You took a deep breath, taking an approach to hit the ball in the air before slamming it down. When you landed, you felt the adrenaline flowing through your veins. Oh wow, you didn't know how much you'd missed that feeling.

You hadn't even looked to see if Watari had received the ball yet, but you got your answer when you heard the ball hit his arms, then the wall. Your head snapped back up, ready to apologize for hitting it and making it go away from you two again.

When you looked up though, you saw Oikawa standing there pointing at you.

"That isn't the hit of someone who hasn't played in years, and that definitely isn't the hit of a libero. Now Y/N, what experience do you have in volleyball?" Oikawa questions, rather loudly. The attention of the team was no longer on serving, and they were facing you, with a dumb looking smile on your face.

You could hardly breathe because of how hard you were laughing. You originally didn't tell them because you thought it would bring unnecessary pressure to join the girls team.  However, now that you're manager, that couldn't happen, so you had no problem telling them. You thought the situation was absolutely hysterical though. Oikawa pouting, no doubt because you lied, and the rest of the team's shocked faces were just too funny.

"Once I stopped playing libero in high school, I worked my way to what would be an ace position, this year would've been my golden year for volleyball, but we moved and my 3 years of working for it we're pretty much gone." You tell them, clutching your stomach.

"If you worked for that position for 3 years, doesn't that mean you'd be graduated?" Kunimi asked from the court about 15 feet away.

"No. In American high school is four years. We moved in my senior year which means I hadn't graduated yet, so I had to come finish here." You explain to him.

"Does that mean you're a year older than all the third years?" Yahaba spoke up, trying his best to do some mental math.

"I suppose it does." You say looking over at the cluster of third years.

"Why are we talking about age guys? Y/N was an ace and she isn't playing for our ladies team, no, she's with us." Watari speaks up, changing the subject.

"Yeah! Y/N why aren't you playing with the girls team?" Oikawa asks, leaning towards you.

"I didn't know anyone and didn't want to play on a team with people I couldn't connect with. Plus, I didn't want to take a position from someone." You explain, hoping they'd change the subject soon. 

"You have to switch clubs! You'd be doing better being on the girls team then following me around!" Oikawa states, urging you to join the team.

"I'm not following you around Oikawa, I'm doing my job. If I left, who'd keep you fools in check. Plus, don't you guys want a pretty third year manager to show off too?" You tease.

"Manager?" Mattsun asks, catching on to your words.

"As of this morning, Y/N became the team's official manager." Coach Irihata enters the conversation.

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