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(at this point, reader has been in school for a couple weeks, but nothing really happens)

"The assignment will be due on Friday, there will be no exceptions, you are dismissed."
The teacher finished explaining the newest project before letting the class go home for the day.

Unfortunately for you, you were paired with your seat mate. After being at Seijoh for a few weeks, Oikawa started to really get on your nerves. He wasn't a bad person, he had never done anything to you, he just annoyed you. The only reason you could think of for this was his attitude at school. You didn't quite like the fake smiles and forced laughs he gave out to keep his popularity.

That being said, that wasn't the complete reason for your disappointment in partner choices. You weren't really looking forward to having to do this project by yourself, figuring Oikawa wouldn't do much. In class, he normally just got answers from friends or talked his way out of turning something in, so you thought he must have cheated his way to this class. Well, not really, you figure he must be smart, he just didn't want to put in any effort. Lucky you.

"Hey L/N?" The all to familiar voice spoke out to you just before you walked out of the classroom.

You spun on your heel to see the brunette standing behind you. "Did you need something Oikawa?" You tried your hardest not to sound rude, there was no need to cause unnecessary drama.

"Can I get your number?" Oikawa was looking you dead in the eyes, holding out his phone for you to enter your number. You were a bit taken aback by the question. After trying to flirt with you numerous times, and getting turned down numerous times, you'd think he would stop. "For the project, I mean!" You let a sign of relief escape your lips before taking his phone and making yourself a contact.

"Alright. We might have to work outside of class after all, but don't text me dumb stuff okay?" You handed him is phone back before turning to leave again.

[slight time skip]

Once you came out of the shower, you heard your phone ding. An unknown number? You thought for a second before realizing it was most likely Oikawa. After unlocking your phone, you read the message:

unknown (maybe: Oikawa) : Hey L/N! This is Oikawa, I was wondering if you wanted to meet after school tomorrow in the library and work on the the project?

Slightly surprised he was going to  actually work on the project, you went to reply. After realizing you had no plans for tomorrow, just like always, you told Oikawa that was okay with you.

Thinking about the situation was quite pitiful. The first time you were going to hangout with someone here in Japan was for a project, and with a person you weren't even friends with nonetheless.

You couldn't be to upset about it though, it was kind of your fault. You couldn't bring yourself to try and throw yourself into other friend groups. This was your last year, meaning everyone was comfortable with the friends they already had, and you didn't want to mess anything up for people. Still, you wish you weren't alone in your last year.

You thought to what Oikawa told you when you first met, right before reaching the gates, but quickly dismissed it. He wasn't really your ideal friend, and you didn't want to have a fake friendship.

Once you were out of your sad girl hours™️ mood, you settled into bed, thinking about everything that could happen in the library the next day before falling asleep.

[slight time skip]

Once school was finished, you found yourself walking to the library with a nervous pit growing in your stomach. You really had no reason to be nervous, but of course your brain found little, stupid, things to worry about.

alien {t. oikawa}Where stories live. Discover now