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Oikawa looked at you, his eyes clearly showing a confused, shocked expression. You just smiled softly and brought his hand to your face. His fingers were rough, most definitely an effect of his overworking himself in volleyball. You sighed and leaned into his fingers.

"Kiss me Tooru. I'm not gonna pull away." You say, trying your best to sound confident. In reality, this confidence was of course fake, but you can't let him know that.

"You are so unbelievably attractive Y/N." Oikawa managed to slip out, but before you could react, his lips were on yours.

His lips were soft, greatly in contrast to his hands, which were both now cupping your cheeks. The kiss was slow and sweet, something you could melt into, and that was exactly what you did.

The facade of confidence you previously had fell down, and you were putty in Oikawa's hands. You knew he knew that too, as you felt his lips curl into a smirk in the kiss.

Due to the need of oxygen, the two of you pulled apart. You couldn't string a sentence together, becoming a stuttering mess. Your cheeks were no doubt a deep shade of red, but thankfully for you, it was dark.

Oikawa on the other hand had the biggest smirk stretched across his face.

"What happened to your confidence Y/N? You basically melted into my hands." He teased,  poking your side.

"That's a good thing you idiot!Now stop poking me!" You say, swatting his finger away from you.

After that, Oikawa faced forward again, placing his hand over yours while propping himself up.

"I've wanted to do that for so long Y/N." He told you with a sigh.

"Did I disappoint?" You ask, a bit nervous about your performance in the kiss.

"Disappoint? Of course not! Why do you ask?" Oikawa questions, turning to you with a titled head.

"Well that was my first kiss, so I didn't really know how to do anything." You tell him, avoiding his eyes.

"Your a third year and you just had your first kiss?" Oikawa's voice clearly showed disbelief, making you slightly insecure.

"..Yes." You mutter, still trying your hardest to not look the boy in the eyes.

"How? You're literally perfect, how has someone not kissed you yet?" He basically shouts, evidently shocked he was your first kiss.

"I don't know, I just was never very interested in guys before you.." Your voice got quieter and quieter, still very insecure about the brunette's reaction. You shot your head towards his though when you felt his grip tighten on your hand.

"I'm glad that I'm the one you decided to give your first kiss to. Assuming since you've never had a boyfriend before, since I was your first kiss, I'm glad you're giving me all of your firsts." He reassures you, flashing you his iconic Oikawa grin.

"Maybe not all of my firsts.." You joke, insinuating something obvious.

You felt a light smack against your shoulder, before hearing Oikawa speak up.

"One, just wait, and two, such a pretty girl shouldn't have such a dirty mind you know?" The boy by your side points out.

"Oh be quiet Tooru. I was just joking. " You say, shooing him with your hand.

You heard his deep laugh fill your ears, making you smile. You loved being near him, hearing him laugh like that. It gave you a sense of peace. You felt yourself realx into the enviroment, letting your arms taht were keeping you up fall, dropping your body sideways into Oikaa's lap.

His laugh was cut short into a small yelp of shock, before looking down, meeting your eyes. His eyes softened before smiling at you, making your heart melt. His hand found itself a spot in your hair, slowly brushing it out with his long fingers. Before you  knew it, a large yawn esaped your lips.

"Are you tired?" Oikawa asked, breaking the silence you two had made, other than your yawn of course.

"Well yeah, its what? 1:30? I woke up at 6 this morning." You exlpain to him.

"Go to sleep then." Oikawa tells you, like you just asked him a painfully obvious question."I'll wake you up in a little bit, I just want to be wiht you for a little while longer." You smile up at him, turning over to hid your face in his torse before closing your eyes, almost instantly falling asleep.

After about 30 minutes of Oikawa just letting you lay comfortably in his lap, his legs started to fall asleep. He took this as a sign that maybe you should be heading home. Gently laying you on the ground beside him, Oikawa gathered your things along with his, and put your bag on his back before picking you and your blanket up bridal style. It wasn't to long of a walk, and he was confident in his upper body strength, so he just decided to wake you up then.

Once Oikawa saw the familar home his vision, he decided now would be a good time to wake you up. "Y/N.... wake up.." His voice was gentle, trying to ignore the numbness in his arms after carrying you for much longer than he originaly thought was hard, but he didn't want to startle you.

"Hm? Tooru? Where..." You stopped your sentence with a loud gasp. "Oikawa Tooru. I know you did not carry me all the way home." You say, now standing on your own, blanket wrapped around your shoulders.

"Oopsie? I couldn't wake you up, you were just to cute!" Oikawa tried to reason, but you weren't having it. Your expression was stern, but that didn't last for long because soon you were laughing quietly, looking up at him.

"You liar! You said you would wake me up!" You say between laughin fits, trying to catch your breath.

"Why are you laughing?" Oikawa asked, a bit confused by your expression.

"Beacause silly goose, you are just to cute. One of these days you're gonnna pull something like that, and it's going to be completly over for me, I'm going to be utterly and totally in love with you." You tell him, still strugglinbg to stop laughing. "Now come on, you're the one who brought me here, so I canr just let you go home alone in the middle on the night." You tell him, gesturing him to come to the window that the ladder you used a few hours ago was falling out of.

Yes, I know that chapters are gettinbg shorter, I'm just trying to keep this story in the 15 chapters I originally planned please don't yell...

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