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That one time manager idea was quickly crushed when coach Irihata  let out his next sentence.

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something." This causes you to get slightly anxious, no you haven't done anything, but those words trigger your fight or flight.

"Hm?" You reply, ready to hear his question.

"Are you Oikawa's girlfriend? I would love to have you as our full time manager, since the team seems to love you so much, but we don't really get that chance often because most girls just come for our captain." He explains to you, instantly making your nerves subside.

"Oh yeah, he is my boyfriend, but are you sure you want me to be the manager?" You ask, a bit confused at why he wants you to be the manager, when he just said that they haven't had one because girls only want to see Oikawa, and Oikawa is your boyfriend.

"Yes, I'm positive. Since Oikawa is your boyfriend, it would be nice to keep his fangirls at bay. On top of that, you seem to know about volleyball, and when you help out around here, you are focused on the team, not just Oikawa." You seem to understand why he wants you to be manager now.

"Well in that case, I'd love to." You tell him, flashing a big grin.

"Wonderful, we can tell the boys at afternoon practice today after school." He told you, walking away to go give the team instruction on practice.

Trailing behind him, you notice everyone is at the practice, including Kyotani. To avoid harsh feelings from before with him almost breaking your nose, you smile and give him a little wave. He returned the wave, and gave a small nod, something that didn't go unnoticed by the team captain.

Maddog already had a newfound respect for the captain after spiking a ball to his girl's face. The intimidating aura he was radiating that day was scaring everyone in the gym, and it was then that Kyotani decided he wasn't ever going to mess with you again. So, to avoid you thinking he was ignoring you, he returned your wave. Oikawa was not pleased to say the least.

Maddog? Since when did he start waving to girls, and why of all girls was it you? Oikawa found a scowl placing itself on his face, but he was soon snapped out of it by his coach giving instruction on what the team would be doing.

As he was listening to his coach on the newest drill they would be doing, you came up behind him, placing yourself under his arm. Oikawa looked down at you and playfully rolled his eyes at your clinginess, often something you teased him about. As much as he loved that, he really needed to pay attention, so he looked back up to his coach while you played with his fingers.

Just as everyone was going to dispurs, you whisper something to the brunette beside you.

"Don't get mad at Kyotani, I was trying to let him know I wasn't upset with him. I'm also about 90% sure he only waved back because he didn't want you to think he didn't like me, considering how you reacted last time." Once you were done talking, you pushed him in the direction of his team. "I could feel the jealousy radiating off of you Tooru. Now go practice." You tell him with a small laugh.

Oikawa smiled at how well you knew him. It was nice to have someone there to pick up on things without you having to say something, and you were exactly that for him.

Once the team had begun their training, you began discussing things that needed to be done for the team with the coaches, and started checking off that list.

First things first, washing those practice jerseys. The coaches told you that since there was no manager to do it, the team took turns doing it, but oftentimes they "forgot".  Once you reached the supply closet where they were being stored, you could instantly tell how bad these boys needed a manger. The smell was horrendous.

After putting those into the washing machine, you began filling up water bottles, looking at statistics for the team, and other manager type jobs. As soon as you were done hanging up the fresh smelling practice jerseys to dry, practice was over, and the boys were off to the club room to change. With nothing else to do but wait, you sat yourself down near the gym door, waiting for Oikawa.


"So Captain, why was Y/N with you so early in the morning?" Yahaba questioned his upperclassman.

"Oh uh, no reason-" Before Oikawa could even try and come up with an excuse, he heard Iwaizumi speak up.

"He stayed with her last night." His ace explained calmly, changing his shirt.

"Iwa-chan you snitch!" The club room was suddenly filled with loud laughter.

"Ohhh. How far did you go Oikawa~?" Makki spoke up, over the laughs of other teammates.

"It was nothing like that! I just hung out with her last night and it got late so I stayed over. That's all." Oikawa dismissed any thoughts his teammates were thinking, trying to let them know what really happened.

"So you really like her huh?" Yahaba spoke up once again.

"Of course. She's like my whole world." Oikawa tells his teammates, but before he could continue, the room was filled with gagging noises.

"Okay okay thats enough. You guys make me sick." This time, Matsukawa was the one to talk.

Oikawa laughed, making his way out of the club room, bag strung over his shoulder. Once he was back in the gym, he saw you sitting near the door in his jacket, face down in your phone. Your hair was slightly in your face and the sleeves of his jacket came up to your fingers since it was too big. Just like that, sitting right there in the gym, Oikawa could see how absolutely gorgeous you were.

Making his way over to you, he ruffled your hair slightly, before speaking up.

"Come on princess, we don't want to be late."

also uh go check out my kenma book please and thanks

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