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"Huh?" Oikawa was clearly dumbfounded, this much you could tell by the expression on his face, which gave you a laugh.

"It's late Oikawa, I don't want you to walk home alone this late into the night." You told him, with a softer look on your face.

"I can handle myself you know, it's not like kidnappers are really looking for a guy." He huffed, putting his hands on his hips.

"I know that, but that isn't the only thing that could happen, and I'd much prefer if nothing at all happened to you." You say to the pouty boy, already climbing up your ladder.

"I don't know Y/N.." He tries to argue, scratching th back of his neck.

"Your parents are out of town, they wont even know, so there isn't a problem. Just come on Tooru, please?" You beg him, sitting on your window sill, swinging your legs back and forth, waiting for Oikawa to climb up.

"Y/N, I really don't know about this. I mean you know I'd normally never pass up the opportunity to be with you, but you just confirmed you had feelings for me, now your inviting me in your room? It just doesn't seem like the best plan." Oikawa does his best to reason with you, but you will not accept no for an answer.

"Have a little bit more faith in yourself Tooru. I know you'd never do anything I didn't like, or anything to hurt me, that's why I'm not worried." You say nonchalantly.

"You are such a pain Y/N!" Oikawa bursts out, running a hand through his hair.

"What? How?" You question, thinking you just gave him a pretty good compliment, meaning he wouldn't have a reason to call you a pain.

"I'm such a sucker for you and the things you say. I can never say no! And you know it! ...Now move so I can climb up." The brunette mumbles, making his way over to the ladder.

You moved, making way for Oikawa to enter your room. Once he had, he retracted the ladder, placing it neatly beside your window.

When Oikawa removed his shoes, and looked up, he saw you leaving the room, making him frown.

"Where are you going Y/N?" He asks in a quiet voice.

"I'm going to take a shower, I know you don't have clothes, but you can at least wash your hair when I'm through. Until then, just stay in my room, and don't snoop around." You warn him before disappearing out the door.

Oikawa didn't snoop, but he did take a look around. He looked at all the little trinkets and such on your shelves, and observed the constellation posters you had hanging throughout the room. He found your room absolutely adorable, and thought it completely matched your personality.

While looking (not to be confused with snooping), his eyes were drawn to the things on your desk, well rather the lack of. In contrast to the shelves, which were littered with small items, your desk only had neatly stacked school books, a pencil, and a picture frame he couldn't really see. Upon further inspection Oikawa recognized the picture in the F/C frame immediately, it was the same one that took the place of his home screen on his phone.

The picture was you and him. Oikawa remembered he was so shocked when you asked to take a picture with him that you almost just said neverminded. You said that you didn't want to seem like one of his fangirls, and that it was okay, but Oikawa wasn't letting you go anywhere without a picture.

So later after class, Oikawa asked Iwaizumi to take a picture of the two of you outside of the gym. Right before the picture was taken though, Oikawa decided to pick you up bridal style, so you guys weren't even looking at the camera, rather you were looking at each other.

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