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The next morning, you wake up at 4:30am, making you regret inviting OIkawa in to begin with. After rubbing your eyes, and making yourself wake up, you checked the notifications on your phone. Nothing. Of course there was nothing, what psychopath is awake at 4:30 in the morning? You laughed a bit at yourself, the kind that sneaks their boyfriend into their house on a whim. You smiled a bit, enjoying the feeling of being completely engulfed by OIkawa, before you actually caught yourself.

Boyfriend?! I mean, might as well. You basically are, no one has just officially asked yet.

After deciding to fix that later today, you untangled yourself from Oikawa's arm, careful not to wake him. Once you were out of the bed, you stretched and walked to your closet, grabbing your uniform before heading into the bathroom to get ready.

Rushing a bit, you got ready in the bathroom as quietly as you could. After about 15 minutes, you looked as good as you could for a person with about 2 hours of sleep. After gathering your things for school, you woke up the sleeping boy on your bed.

"Tooru~, Wake up~" You whisper, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Hm?" He lifts his hands, rubbing his eyes, before sitting up in the bed.

"Morning Tooru." You say to him, ready to go.

"Morning, pretty girl." Oikawa's morning voice is already attractive, and now he's calling you "pretty girl"? It's like he was asking you to melt on the spot.

"We need to start heading to your place. It's almost 5, and if we don't leave soon, you're gonna be late for morning practice." You say, throwing on his volleyball jacket, laying on your floor from the night before.

"Alright, let me put on my shoes." Oikawa tells you, still clearly sleepy, but getting up nonetheless.

Once Oikawa had his shoes on, he met you downstairs where you were standing in the kitchen. You were currently focused on writing a note to your mom, making some dumb excuse about why you left so early.

Oikawa took this as a perfect opportunity to let his clingy side show. He walked behind you, wrapping his arms arounds your waist and resting his chin on top of your head.

"Yes?" You asked, not looking up from your note.

"Nothing, just wanted to hug you. What's with you stealing my jacket?" He teased you, pulling on the fabric."

"Oh yeah, about that," You put your pen down and turned around to face the brunette. "Tooru, how do you feel about officially becoming my boyfriend? I kind of think it's silly you just stayed at my house, but we have yet to make it official, so I wanted to do that today." You explained to him, waiting for his reply.

"Did you need to even ask? Of course! Although, isn't it my job to ask you out?" He questions, laughing at what you just did.

"Ha ha. Now let's go, you're gonna be late." You say, pulling him out the door.

The walk to Oikawa's house wasn't too long, maybe 10 minutes max, which you were thankful for. There's no telling how much you and him would get teased if he was late because of you.

Once you reached Oikawa's home, he unlocked the door and went upstairs to get ready, leaving you downstairs to make food for the two of you.

You first made the two of you lunch, placing them by the door once you were finished. They weren't anything special, just thrown together with whatever you could find in his kitchen. Next order of business was breakfast, something you two could eat on the way. Since you weren't much of a cook, toast would have to do.

Just as you were finishing up, Oikawa came rushing down the stairs, hardly managing to keep his volleyball bag and school bag in his hands.

"Drop your bags and slow down, we aren't that rushed." You say, giggling at his behavior.

Once he placed his bags on the ground, you handed him the toast and placed his lunch in his school bag, and a protein bar in his volleyball bag.

"We eat on the way, now come on." You tell him, halfway out the door.

"You made me lunch, breakfast, and got me food for volleyball? Y/N L/N, I am going to marry you one day." Oikawa told you, his starry-eyed expression evident in his voice. His words took you off guard though, almost making you choke on your toast.

"Don't get too excited! I'm not much of a cook, so it's not anything special." You explain to him, trying to get your coughing fit under control.

You two reach the school at 6, right when Oikawa's practice started. Since you two barely made it on time, he was the last to arrive, something that never happened. In fact, Oikawa was normally first, his teammates often found him practicing his serves at unholy hours in the morning.

So when Oikawa walked in, out of breath from running and almost late, everyone was shocked. Until they saw you walk in behind him, wearing his club jacket. It took everything in the team's power not to pester him with questions, but since they didn't really feel like getting yelled at, they decided it could wait.

Oikawa and you walked up to coach Irihata.

"Oikawa! You decided to show up!" His coach teased, making the brunette scratch the back of his neck and let out an awkward laugh.

"Yeah...I came to ask if it was alright if Y/N could spectate this practice? The other buildings are locked and I'd prefer if she didn't sit outside alone." Oikawa asked, standing behind him, more than a little embarrassed.

"She can't just watch since morning practices are meant to be closed," he told the two of you, making your heart drop ",but I see no problem with her staying as long as she helps out."

Like a one-time manager? Oh lord.

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