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The previous night's thoughts were continuing to replay in your head like a broken record. It was getting quite annoying actually. One seconds you'd be all for joining the girls team, even just practicing with them at the very least.  Which was good while it lasted, but then two seconds after you'd do a 180 and were now convincing yourself why you shouldn't do anything with the girls team.

It was giving you a migraine.

Which might be why you were so on edge at practice, or maybe it was just because these boys have absolutely no self control and it was getting on your nerves a little more than usual today.

Said boys did not let this go unnoticed.  As soon as they noticed your odd change in behavior, they were immediately asking what was up, only pushing your nerves further.

"C'mon! Just tell us what's up Y/N!" Makki pestered, only to be met with a solid punch from Iwaizumi.

"Idiot. Maybe it isn't any of our business? Just leave her alone, as long as she is still doing her job as manager, there isn't a problem. Now get back to serving, we don't have that much time until Karasuno shows up." Iwaizumi sternly spoke, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You gave him a thankful look, silent deciding he was most definitely your favorite.

He nodded at you before walking off, re-joining the other boys for practice. There you were, once again alone with your thoughts as you emptied and refilled water bottles. After letting your mind drift to the girls team once again, you shook your head, forcing the thoughts out. Instead, you thought about the practicing math you were hosting today.

The previous practice match with Karasuno went well, so you arranged for another one (and in the process found out that their manager is very polite. They were meant to show up any time now, a new coach with them as well. You thought about possible outcomes, Seijoh hasn't done too well against them in the past, and they've no doubt gotten stronger. However, Oikawa hardly played in the first match, and wasn't even there for the second (both due to injury). Not to mention the fact that everyone else on the team has also improved. So maybe, Seijoh won't let Karsuno walk out of their gym with another victory.

Your thoughts were interrupted with the creak of the gym door. You closed the lid on the last water bottle and made you way over to the opposing team to greet their captain, well you tried at least.

"Is that L/N?" You heard a familiar voice ask from a distance.

"I think it is!" The second voice was almost as unforgettable as the first. A slight rush of panic went down your whole body, thinking of ways to avoid the two overly-excited second years.

"Ah ah ah boys. I'm going to have to ask that you don't harass my girlfriend." You heard Oikawa speak up, stopping the boys from getting any closer to you.

"Girlfriend? You mean- Suga! That hurt!" You let out a small laugh at your silver haired friend who just blatantly hit his teammate.

"Leave Y/N alone you two!" You heard him scold, feeling slightly bad for the boys. Once Suga had managed to pull them away, Oikawa walked to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind.

"Yes, Tooru?" You tease.

"I don't like those second years."

"Tooru you don't like anyone on the entire team." You point out, making the boy behind you scoff.

"Well, I especially don't like them!" You retorts, making you laugh.

"Whatever you say. Now, can you let me go so I can go greet them? It's my job as manager." You ask, earning a groan from your boyfriend.

"Do you have to?" He complains, letting go of you nonetheless though.

"Stop being a baby and go warm up. This is your first match against them where you are actually playing." You remind him, slightly punching him into the direction of his other teammates.

Once you were alone again, you began making your way over to where Karasuno was gathered on the other side of the net. You managed to catch Suga's attention, who then called over who you recognized as their captain.

"Oh hello. Your the manager, L/N right?" The captain spoke up, extending his hand for you to shake.

"Yes thats me." You confirmed with a smile, taking his hand.

"I'm Daichi, the captain."

"I just wanted to thank you guys for coming, it's always nice to get some practice right? I'm extremely thankful for the time Suga and your manager have given us." You bowed, surprising the boy in front of you just a bit.

"Ah! It's no problem at all, really! Actually, we probably benefit from this more than you guys-" The captain's words were cut off by a loud cough.  Just about everyone on Karasuno turned their heads to the source of the noise. Once you made eye contact with said source, your jaw dropped, not being able to even greet them.



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