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As you and Oikawa returned to class, laughing and joking as usual, you caught the eyes of a lot of your fellow classmates.

There was clearly the jealous girls who were upset that out of all of them, he chose you. The girls that have been pinning after him for ages, crushed by the girl who didn't even go after him to begin with.

More surprisingly however, were the guys who were confused as to how Oikawa Tooru managed to get a girl like you. Didn't talk much, smart, reserved, so basically the complete opposite of Oikawa. It didn't make much sense as to why you hung around a pretty boy like him. What did he do that the rest of them couldn't? Well other than the obvious, set.

Which you were still slightly shocked about. You knew he was good, it was hard not to hear the talk about him, you just didn't know how good. It was a pleasant surprise.

You were mainly just happy he was on the team, they had very warm jackets, which you greatly appreciated. Speaking of which, you were still wearing.

The teacher was talking about something boring, you knew Oikawa was listening, so you didn't bother, you'd just ask him later. This was probably not the best decision, because you fell asleep.

How could you not? You were warm, and the teacher was talking so slow, it was like a set up for you. Oikawa tried to keep the teachers attention away from you as much as possible, but when he finished speaking and went around to the pairs of desks to hand out papers, it was quite hard.

Eventually, he noticed and called you out. Once you were awake and aware of what was happening, he called you over to his desk, handing you a detention slip.

You sighed, knowing that it was going to happen, and walked back to your desk.

"Detention, huh?" Oikawa asked in his most annoying, child like voice.

"Yup. I don't even know where to go. This is just gonna be great." You let your head sit on your desk, wallowing in self pity.

"It's okay Y/N. I'll help." Oikawa stated placing his hand on your shoulder, pushing your hair to one side.

"How are you gonna-" You were cut off by the loud sound of a desk falling over.

The teachers eyes shot up at the noise. "Oikawa? Explain?" He asked the brunette, trying to figure out why his desk was knocked over.

The next thing that happened was probably the funniest thing that has ever happened in your class the whole year. Oikawa looks down at his desk, back up to the teacher with the straightest face possible.

"Oops." His voice was monotonous, clearly showing no sincerity.

The teacher demanded and apology for disrupting class, to which Oikawa simply replied, "no". Which got him called over to the teachers desk as well.

You picked his desk back up, fixing the things that were sat on top of it. When he returned, he showed you his detention slip with a victorious grin. You laughed at the boys antics, making him frown.

"Hey! I did that for you!" He said, playfully pushing your shoulder.

"For me? How was that for me?" You managed to get out through fits of laughter.

"You were scared about having detention alone, so I got it with you. Isn't that obvious?" You were at a loss for words. How can someone be so cute, but so absolutely stupid.

"Tooru! Are you joking? You'll get in trouble with your coach for that!" You said, smacking his shoulder.

"It's okay Y/N! They can practice without me, and besides, they all know Im totally whipped for you, so they won't be surprised." He told you, tucking his detention slip into his folder.

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