chapter 1- Meeting Chris

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~Edited version~

Phil's p.o.v

Here I am sat in maths class at my desk in the back of the room but I can hardly hear a word the teacher is saying.

The snide comments muffle my hearing and although the Mr Raysal can hear every word said once again he does nothing.

No matter how many times I tell myself that they're all lies told by immature kids for their own entertainment, I can't help but give in to the nagging voice in my head screaming it is the truth.

There are probably right. i am a worthless freak and i do deserve to die.

If it wasn't for these stupid cat ears and useless tail i might of been able to live a normal life and have a couple of friends but god clearly hates me to much for that.

My mum had to pass this genetic down to me before she died.

sometimes i wish i was in that i was in that car crash with her, then all this constant pain and torture would never of started.

i don't even blame my dad for all those horrible comments he made, all those cuts and scars he slashed onto my young flesh.

of course i hate him, i just don't blame him for it.

I was snapped out of my train of thought by my teacher hovering over me with an annoyed expression covering his face.

"Well Phil if you don't think you have to concentrate in this class why don't you solve this equation?" I lifted my head to see a jumble of numbers and letters on the board and i swallowed back a lump in my throat.

"I- I can't sir" the truth is i haven't been paying attention all year.

what's the point in trying if you know your not going to succeed?

"Detention then. maybe if you had payed attention in class instead of stairing at that desk all year you might not be so dumb."

I could hear the people around me sniggering and mumbling things like "pathetic, Idiotic, freak." and " that dumb ass can't even understand bottom set maths."

"Language." Sir shouted at one of the students, proving he could hear what they had said, Just that he didn't care.

tears sprung in the corners of my eyes and began to cloud my vision.

Silencing the room, the ringing of the bell sounded through the halls and i practically threw my maths book in my bag.

Everyone poured out of the room and I carefully slipped passed the crowed, heading outside to the only spot my bullies hadn't yet found.

The wooded area looked quite narrow from a distance but once inside it seemed a lot bigger.

it was now lunch time and i only have one period left, science.

internally, I sighed.

I've never been good with science even when i used to try to understand the subject.

To add to that, my science teacher always seems to be able to find something to complain about with me and our current topic is genetics.

Last lesson I remember her hinting that I was a mistake but she's right.

Just like every other day, I didn't pack a lunch.

I'm fat enough as it is so i really don't need them extra calories in my diet.

Hopefully, I'll get skinny soon and my father will stop being able to hate me for at least one thing.

Contently,I sat in my tree for another 20 minuits before i heard a quiet ringing noise off in the distance.

Soon after I reluctantly jumped off the low hanging branch I was sat on and headed back to the school building for my next lesson.

By the time i got there i was already five minuits late and I was dreading stepping in more and more with each passing second.

Walking in, I lowered my head and my ears instinctively folded down. My tail wrapped in's self tightly around my torso as I prepared to step through the door.

I felt my hands began to tremble slightly as i took a sharp in take of breathe and entered the crowded room.

the class fell completely silent besides the occasional giggle from a girl in the back.

"why are you late this time?" my teacher snapped, irritated.

i just shrugged, too scared to speak, and took the only seat available.

it was next to a kid i didn't reconize and he didn't seem to laugh but instead shot me a look of sympathy.

I didn't enjoy his pity but it was much more welcoming than most of the other reactions I seem to get on a daily basis.

"Hey, i'm Chris." he introduced himself once most of the others had settled and the teacher, once again, began to do her job.

he seemed different from the other kids in this school.

Darker thoughts appeared soon after this one along the lines of: but what if he is trying to get close to hurt me.

He probably doesn't really want to be my friend.

Chances are, he'll get to know me and end up hating me anyway.

similar thoughts continued to swarm until I decided to reply with a simple"hey, i'm phil"

the conversation went on from there until i knew his full name was Chris james Kendall, his favourite colour was green and he was 15 unlike me who's a year older but was held back a year because I'm too stupid to function.

I also found out that his birthday is on the 2nd of october and we got along really well and have alot of things in common.

i might of even found my first friend.


i know i have my other story which i am going to keep updating on sundays but with this i'm going to update it when ever i want so that could mean i do it a few times a week or just rarley. i might create a set date for this in the future but for now there isn't one. i have nothing else to say besides goodbye

-chloe out

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