9-50 Shades

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I had one last day of helping each band individually. I was happy to help, but sometimes it was hard. I got ready, and headed out.

 I got ready, and headed out

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(Your outfit)

I was walking when I got a text. I look at it, and it was my mom.

Mom: Hey sweetie.

Y/N: Hi mom!

Mom: So I did something!

I look at that, and dident know what to say. What did she do?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Mom: You know how you wanted to get a new piercing?

(A/N You have a belly button piercing, ear piercing septum, bridge, and lip. You also have a eyebrow slit. But this your ear piercings are covered by hair, and your eyebrow slit. Your face one's you haven't worn much. And your belly button one is covered.)

Y/N: Well yeah, why?

Mom: Since I have been gone I am letting you get it! It's tonight so be there at 12.


Mom: Love you to.

I put my phone down, and start to run to the practice room. I was so happy right now. I was finally going to get the eyebrow piercing. I started to walk once I was close. I was a little out off breath. I walk in slowly as I was a little tiered.

"Hi! I'm working with you guy's today. I need your name's, and let me have a second to rest before we start. And I want your back up singer to sing lead first! Then the lead singer can sing lead the rest of the time. It will be your strength." I said.

"Well I am Akaashi."







"Okay I'm ready. Let's start."

We all go ready, and then we started to play.

"Okay that was good. Just I think you need to stay with the singers a bit better." I said.

"Oh my gosh! She can sing a song we are thinking of without asking!" Bokuto said.

"I know it's weird." Sarukui said.

"Well Bakuto your going to sing this time let's do it!"

"Hey you guy's did perfect!" I said.

"Y/N you are a great singer." Bokuto said.

"Thank you." I said with a blush, "We can tack a break!"

"Okay." Akaashi.

We sat down for awhile. I heard them talking about me. The only two not doing it was Akaashi, and Bokuto. I heard a few things.

"She's a little bossy." "She shouldn't be be that weird." And "She's a little two weird for me."

I took my hearing aids out. Bokuto saw this, and put them back in.

"I'm sorry about them." He said.

"It's fine." I said.

I look at them all and say, "I hope you guy's know I have hearing aids for a reason!"

"Do you mean ears?" Anahori asked.

"No because my ears don't let me hear. That's why I have hearing aids. Now let's do one more song, and them go."

We all got to where we where going, and start one last song.

When we finish I notice that I was crying. Bakuto looked at me, and wiped my tears. I smile at him.

"Okay we better go. It is 10.35 P.M and I need to go somewhere!" I said.

I walk out, and leave to go where my mom told me.

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