Pills & Potions | Chapter 10

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Lindsey POV
3 days later- Saturday

"You sure it's over here?" Judas asked me as we were in a car across the street from some trap house that had druggies coming in and out of that bitch.

"This the address of what boss sent me,he said we gotta go in and just ask for a quarter of it" I told him.

He nodded his head and we got out the car and just going straight in, they got no type of security they just letting people in and out.

When we got in there was loud music playing and it smelled like weed and some bitch fishy ass coochie. Some dudes were strapped up but the others were putting shit in bags.

"May I help you fellas?" Some girl asked.

We turned around and saw this bad ass jawn wearing a red silk dress and she looked professional.

"Yea we want a quarter bag of weed" Judas asked.

She nodded her head and went back into some room and handed us two quarter bags, they were a little to big for quarters but we gave her the money and went back out to the car.

"Why was that shit so damn easy?" He asked.

"Did you see that place? No type of security at all, let's take this shit back to the trap though and see what boss man finna do with it" I replied then started the engine.

The Trap..

We walked in the trap and when in bosses office and threw the bags on his desk.

"These some big ass quarter bags, who gave them to y'all?" He asked.

"Some lady, from the looks of it it looked like she either ran that trap or running the whole damn thing. She looked professional as fuck" Judas added.

"But there was no security, outside or inside a few of them were strapped but they ain't look prepared at all" I said.

"They must think they can't be touched so they let their guard down, Ight good work I'll call y'all in if I need anything else" he replied.

I was expecting him to bring up something about Akira but he didn't and he let me leave out his office with no hassle.

Akira POV- ⚠️ Trigger Warnings ⚠️

"Fuck" I hissed as I threw the blade back in the sink as I watched my blood drip down my hand.

I never thought it would get that bad to the point where I need to do self harm but it just did. I started doing this yesterday.

"Akira?? Are you in there??" Arie knocked on the door.

I jumped and then cleaned the blood off my arm and threw the blade away.

"Yes one minute" I said back clearing out the blood in the sink and on the counter.

After I saw everything was cleaned up, I put my arms behind my back and opened the door.

"I'm going to the store to get some groceries, you want to come with me? You need to start getting out the house more Kira I'm not playing with you" she said.

"No no, I'll go out next time, I just want to be alone right now Arie please" I said.

She sighed and nodded her head. "Fine I'll be back in an hour" she said then left.

I heard the front door open and closed then I left the bathroom going back to my room. I laid on the bed and went on my phone.

My phone probably wasn't the best option right now knowing I still followed the girl but I needed at least some type of minor distraction.

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