Im Not A Snitch | Chapter 48

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Londyn POV- 3 weeks later
Friday- 3:45pm
at the park

It's been 3 weeks since the whole rape situation and they put Chris in jail for rape and drugging me and I was glad. No more Chris and that's gods work right there.

The twins, Asha and I just pulled up at the park cause Leon told us to come cause it was packed today.

When we walked closer everybody was staring at me and giving me dirty looks. Ever since he got put in jail, people really have the audacity to call me a snitch like how that work? Deadass.

We walked towards Leon and his group of friends and everybody did their daps and heys. Leon's friends was the only people not calling me a snitch cause they knew what I did was right.

Jacy POV

"Jacy! Can I talk to you real quick" keisha said coming up to me as I was talking to somebody.

"Uh Yea, hold on bro" I said to my dude then walked off with keisha.

"So remember on your birthday at the hotel?.. in the bathroom-"

"Keisha what the fuck quiet that shit down" I said to her.

Yes, keisha and I ended up fucking that night on my birthday. To be real? She was complaining about every thing I did and had a bad attitude that Ian like so I gave her some work and I know she wanted it and how I saw it? She was the only pussy I was getting that night cause she would start fights if I did it with any other broad.

"My bad, but I need to show you something" she said smiling in my face.

She reached in her purse and pulled something out and handed it to me. When I looked at it, I saw that it was a pregnancy test.

"Wha- why you giving this to me?" I asked.

"Slowness, I'm pregnant" she smiled.

My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth, what? How the fuck- this ain't my damn child. I wore a condom.

"Keisha this one of your jokes again trying to get back together, if you saying this my baby? You outta yo mind girl. I wore a condom" I said.

"It is yours, I know it is" she said.

"I wore a condom keish, it's one of Yo hoes that knock you up. Not me" I said to her.

She raised her eyebrow. "I poked a hole in the condom" she said out.

"Huh?!" I said.

"Yea! This baby will bring us closer and spark up something in our relationship" she said smiling.

I rubbed my face out of frustration and put my hands on my hip. Did she really just- is this girl crazy my guy?! What the fuck.

"Keisha are you actually crazy?" I said to her.

"Noo im not baby, I want a family with you" she said poking me in my chest.

"I don't want a family at all, I'm 18 not 27 shit ion even have enough money to buy a house yet" I said.

"I'm not aborting it and I could mainly take control.. kinda like that night when we conceived this baby" she smirked.

"Ian tellin you to abort it keisha, I just don't know if I can be in the baby life. This wasn't in my plan book shorty" I said being honest.

"This is your responsibility. I will put you on child support if you don't be with me and the baby" she said crossing her arms.

"It's not my responsibility when you basically set me up keish, Ian know yo crazy self would poke a hole in the damn condom. It's my choice if I want to stay or leave and if we gotta take this to court then we will. at least give me time to think about this" I said.

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