Double Trouble | Chapter 16

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2 weeks later
Akira POV

"Arie Evans?" The nurse called out.

We stood up and went in the doctors room and she sat up on the bed.

"Dr.Thomas isn't in today so another doctor we have, will be giving you the ultrasound today" she told her.

Arie nodded and the nurse got her blood pressure and checked her temperature.

"Everything's good, temperature is normal so I'll let the doctor know your waiting and we'll see what's going on with the baby" she smiled and then left the room.

Since naveen obviously didn't want the baby he never started coming to her appointments so it's going to always be me until we tell pace.

Which is actually tomorrow, Arie and I planned a little get together at our apartment and invited people that we were mainly close to like mom, dad, JJ, Marco, jordan, pace,  Judas, Lindsey and Bobby, the rest of the folk gone have to just end up knowing.

Arie was now 7 weeks and her stomach still had a small little pudge but it was bigger then how it was two weeks ago, in my opinion she looked a little bigger then 7 weeks but we never discuss that.

Few minutes later the doctor came in. "Hello,, nice to meet you I'll be taking care of the ultrasound today" he smiled.

Arie nodded her head and laid back as he lowered the lights in the room then turned on the ultrasound device. He applied the gel on her stomach and she shivered I'm guessing cause it was cold.

There was a moment of silence as he put the transducer on her stomach and moved it around.

I looked at the screen and saw the baby but also saw something else that looked weird.

"Excuse me but what is that thing next to the baby" I asked.

"Yea what is that" Arie backed me up.

"See well that is another baby" he said smiling while looking at the screen and moving it around.

Arie and I looked at each other in shock. "Excuse me say what" Arie said fast.

"Yup, your having twins" he said.

"Oh my gosh" Arie said.

"Is there some lines of twins in your family?" He asked.

"Not in my biological family" Arie replied.

"Ahh, okay so this might be confusing to you.. would you like the pictures printed out?" He asked.

She nodded her head and he printed out the pictures and took off the monitor.

"May I ask a question?" I asked.

"Go right ahead" he replied while wiping the gel off her stomach.

"So say if there was two completely different baby fathers and since she's having twins could one be the baby of the one dad and the other baby be the other mans  as well?" I asked.

"Your talking about superfecundation, it's rare but it's not impossible.. if that's the case for this then that could be a 70% chance of reasoning for her having twins since she hasn't had any recent generations of twins in her family or it could just be the other 30% which is just fortune" he shrugged getting up.

"So would that mean the babies are half siblings then?" I questioned.

"Technically yes, but it's better to just say that they are fully siblings because they're sharing the same womb and getting pushed out the same time" he said.

"Ahh okay" I nodded.

"So whenever you reach 5 months is when you can find out the genders of the babies whether it's two girls, two boys, or a boy and a girl. I'll be back with your pictures and then you'll be ready to leave" he said looking at Arie.

When he left the room she sat up and got off of the bed and adjusting herself.

"That's crazy Arie, your having twins" I said.

"Yea. I don't know how to feel about it though Kira, he said it's a 70% chance that the babies could be pace and naveens baby" she said picking up her purse.

"If your so worried about that then think about that 30%, it's a small percentage but who knows. And if it does turn out that way then fuck naveen, as long as we known pace and seen him take care of his daughter I know he'll be okay with this" I explained.

She let out a breath. "What if they multiply and I have triplets" she said widening her eyes.

"I mean did you fuck another nigga? The fuck? You putting worries on your own self" I laughed getting up.

The doctor came in and gave Arie her pictures of the ultrasound and she smiled looking at them.

"Have a great day ladies and remember to eat healthy and keep under stress" he said as we left.

"Thank you" I replied and we left out the clinic and went in the car.

"I hope it's a boy and a girl cause after these two babies? No more kids for me and my tubes are getting tied" she said putting on her seat belt.

"Why don't you want at least 3 kids" I laughed started the engine.

"Kira I'm not like you wanting 5 kids and shit. A big family was never in my book, I always just wanted two kids and then that's it" she said.

"I just took after mom for real though, ole girl pushed out 7 kids would've been 8 if she had you" I laughed.

"Let's just go home Kira" she said.

I shrugged and I drove off home.


Sorry this chapter is mad short, I'm just tired as hell cause i was working on school work all day today cause I let it pile up in my google class room 😂😭.

I also have been prepping for my new book series that's currently in the works as well, just getting the characters together and everything all swell and done.

This book will have a total of 50 chapters so I have a long way to go just to end off this series.

Tomorrow I'm taking a break from this whole google classroom stuff and going to make about 3 or 4 chapters tomorrow and post them at any time of the day so look out for those.

Thank you for reading my books and goodnight ❤️❤️.

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