War-Zone Pt 2 | Chapter 32

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Bobby POV
Half an hour later

I ran over to Aaliyah as the bullets were flying past us and I grabbed her.

"Can you walk?" I asked.

"I can try" she said with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Ight come on quick for I get my ass popped too" I said lifting her up and I put her arm over me and walked back to the office.

I sat her on the couch carefully as she winced in pain.

"Give me your hoodie" I told her.

"But I don't have anything under-"

"It's too stop the bleeding give me your hoodie now" I said.

She quickly took off the hoodie and gave it to me and she was wearing a sports bra. I tied the hoodie by it's sleeves and did it tight to.

"Ight you should be good for now, lock the door when I leave and stay in here" I demanded.

"Wait" she said and I stopped in my tracks.

"Thank you" she spoke.

"Thank me after this whole thing Ight?" I said then left the room hiding behind corners.

Lindsey POV

"Lift this nigga up ki" I told her as we put the last nigga dead body in the car.

She did as told then we shut the trunk and got in the car and I started the engine.

Akira ended up shooting the nigga that was about to shoot me and it all worked out well.

30 minutes earlier.


I saw the nigga drop to the floor with a bullet going clean through the middle of his neck.

I turned around and saw Kira fall to the ground. "Lindsey my leg hurts so bad" she cried.

"I know I know come on I need to put you on the bed" I said then lifted her up and place her on the bed.

I looked at her ankle and it looked bad.. she is going to need to be in the hospital for this.

"Ima bandage it up but for now we needa get these niggas out of here" I spoke.

"How? Do you not see my leg?" She asked.

"You gone have to push through it, ima drop you at the hospital then ima head off into some woods and dump them" I said.

"Fine okay" she replied

Present time..

We got to the hotel and I helped her out of the car and when we went in we got help immediately.

My thigh was still hurting like a bitch put I had to push it through. I left the hospital and went back in the car to deal with these dead homies in my trunk.

Bobby POV

I done shot like 10 niggas my pops was right this hit is kind of fun, my adrenaline was pumping and my heart was pounding.

I took cover behind the couch and shot some more niggas.. it's been almost an hour and you would've thought it would of been quicker than this but they really putting up a fight.

"Aye get that bitch boss" I heard my dad yell and I saw the lady running to the back.

Not one of our people died yet and that's good cause we don't want nobody to die.

Another hour later

Adrian POV

I walked down the hallway care free and just shooting niggas that came in my way just to get to this bitch, this been going on for to long and I'm ready to get my ass home and take a nap.

"I'm done playing games tamika! Just come out I wanna talk" I said as I got in my back room.

"Fuck off adrian" she said from behind my bookshelf.

"Can't do that.. like I said come out if you such a real boss bitch" I laughed.

She stood up and got out from where she was hiding. " I'm out now, what?" She said pointing her gun at me.

I smirked and put my gun on the floor. "I need to show you something real quick" I said standing back up and I pulled out the same machete I used to kill her son.

She stared at me weird. "I feel like I owe you an apology for using this here machete to chop your sons head off" I said looking at the blade.

"It shouldn't of ended up like this... but you came for the two girls and my grandkids when you wanted to be reckless" I added.

"Your fucking sick" she said.

"I know I am, but just to show some respect and gratitude.. I decided to kill you with the same machete I used on your sons head" I told her.

She pulled the trigger but I swiftly dodged the bullet and walked towards her swinging it in my head and each time I stepped she tried to shoot but missed.

I got close to her and her clip was all empty and then she threw the gun on the floor.

"Ya know, I had a thing for you.. too bad that thing is dead now just like how your a bout to be" I said then I slit her throat with the end of the machete.

When she fell on the floor I went back to get my gun and she was still half alive so to prevent a pop up I sit her right in the back of her skull and laughed.

"Yo pussy was trash" I said then walked off.

Lindsey POV

I patted the spot with the shovel and I finished burying the bodies and then I walked back to my car putting the shovel in the trunk.

The back of my leg was fucking stinging and I needed to get some help so I drove back to the hospital to get Akira and also help myself.

1 hour later

"Yea it was a gun accident can I just get a few stitches? Ian planning to stay here long my girl in the waiting room" I told the nurse.

"Oh... okay well I'll call a doctor and we'll get you in a room right now. Follow me" she spoke and I followed behind her.

She took me into the room and then did a check up and looked at the graze.  She nodded her head and left the room.

Some time later the doctor came back in with another nurse.

"Okay so we'll just clean you up, what anesthesia do you want? The powerful one or the local?" He asked.

"Nahh just stitch me up I felt worst pain" I said and they looked at me like I had a dick on my forehead.

"Okay" the doctors shrugged.

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