Baking Doughnuts | Chapter 11

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Akira POV - 2 weeks later
Friday- February 5th

I sent the email to the office and I shut my laptop. I been out the hospital for 2 days now, they kept me in for another week for a suicide watch.

To me it wasn't needed cause I wasn't planning on going through that again. While I was past out in my coma I saw Miami and I spoke to him.

He told me I should forgive Lindsey and forgive but not forget the shit that he did. He's really my guardian angel.

I left my room and saw Jordan and Marco in my living room playing the game.

"What game y'all playing?" I asked.

"Fortnite so hush woman" Jordan said.

I put my hands up in defense and went into the fridge to look for something to eat.

"Can you put some clothes on too please?"  Marco said.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked them.

"Your wearing booty shorts and a sports bra, we don't wanna see all that" Jordan answered.

"Nigga y'all in my house get used to it" I replied.

There was a hard and quick knock at the door. "Damn who the hell?" I said then I walked up to the door and answered it.

"Lindsey?" I said.

"Shut the fuck up and come on" he said closing the door, grabbing my hand and dragging me to my room.

He closed and locked my room door. "What's your problem?" I said.

"You, you been out the hospital for two days and still haven't called me to talk? You promised" he said.

"Yea I know, but I was just trying to settle in and get comfortable with everything before I started talking to you" I responded.

"Well I'm here now so talk" he said standing over me.

I took a step back and thought about how I was going to put my words together.

"Lindsey, I forgive you.. but starting now I'm going to start helping you with your anger cause you can't be lashing out and putting your hands on me. I'm sorry for slapping you I was just mad, and many people made me realize that we been close for too long to end it now so I forgive you" I explained.

He smiled at me and gave me a hug picking me up.

"I missed talking to your slow ass" he said then put me down.

I laid down on the bed and went on my phone. He went around the other side and got in next to me.

I saw at the corner of my eye that he was examining me. "What you keep looking at?" I asked him.

"Yo fine ass, look what you wearing how can I not stare at you" he said.

"Boy boo, I wore this cause I'm in my house" I chuckled.

He took my phone out my hand and he grabbed me and guided me on top of him. "You wanna know another thing I missed?" He said and I felt his dick getting hard.

"What?" I smiled.

"My dick rearranging yo guts, come on let's do a lil quicky just because we cool again" he said.

"We not finna fuck Lindsey" I chuckled.

"Why not?" He asked.

"We just got back good, I wanna wait plus you been fucking with that other girl I don't know what she might have that she gave to you" I told him.

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