Spin Off??

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Y'all want a spin off or something? 😂 it's quarantine... I'm bored in the house.. and I low key miss writing for this book 😭 of course I have two new books out and I'm not bored of them yet but seeing all the love and the funny ass comments I'm getting from this series make me want to continue this book (in a way).

See now, if I do make a spin off.. it won't be apart of this series technically because I plan to make this very different if I do choose to make it and if y'all want it.

When I say it won't be apart of the series, I mean like the same main folk that was in the "It's Called Life" series will be in it... but it'll be a whole different cast and main character. The way I want it to go down is nice but ion wanna spoil nothing for the folks that do want the spin off.

Just for a small fyi only 3rd generation will mostly be present. As in Londyn, Masami, Jacy yah know all them so if you wanted to see akira, Lindsey, arie, Judas and them I'm sorry but they'll rarely be in it, like if the main character has to meet they family then of course second generation will be in it but for the most part it's only 3rd generation.

If you want this then let me know and I'll go ahead and start looking for people as the characters and put my two new books aside for a moment while I make it. Keep in mind also that this spin off won't be long maybe 30 chapters at most so don't expect this to be a 50 or 60 chapter book it's just short, sweet and simple for my people who really loved this book.

If you don't want it then you don't have to read it just as long as you liked the main series and stuff like that it won't hurt my feelings. It's just something I was thinking out of boredom cause I'm done with most of my online work and have nothing to do.

But yea, if you want it let me know and if you don't and it's a big majority vote for people who don't want it then I won't make it and continue to just write for my other books.

Thanks for reading, be safe out there ❤️❤️.

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