The Family Tree

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Hey y'all I wanted to give y'all a little family tree in case y'all are confused.

The Evans family consist of:

Jeremiah (from 2nd book)
Myla (from first book)
Akira (from first book)
Arie (from second book)
Miami (deceased, from 4th book)
Jordan (from 4th book)
Marco (from 4th book)
Toni (from 4th book)
Sincere (from 5th book)
Raine (from second book)

The Jones Family consist of:

Adrian (from first book)
Arie (from second book)
Kennedy (first book)
Venny (4th book)

The Williams family consist of:

Julian (first book)
Jade (first book)
Dinero (fourth book)
Treytezz (fourth book)
Jessika (Fourth book)
New Kid being introduced soon

The Hernandez family consist of ;

Kaeland (First book)
Rose (first book)
Dominic ( fourth book)
Lee'ann (fourth book)
Judas (third book)
Bobby ( third book)
New baby introducing soon

Myla and Adrian of course only had one baby which was Akira Cashmir Brown (at first) cause Myla and jeremiah wasn't married yet and she was still with Adrian.

Then myla met jeremiah and then they had Miami, jordan, Marco, Toni, and sincere together.

Adrian got blessing, which is Arie biological mother, pregnant and the only baby they had was Arie Blessyn Jones. Again they never got married so it was Jones at the time.

Blessing, sprung out on drugs and she got Arie put into a foster home for some days and Adrian was in jail so he couldn't take custody.

That's when Myla found out from Julian that she was put in foster care and Myla was quick to adopt her.

Aries name was now Arie Blessyn Brown cause again, Myla and Jeremiah are not married yet at the time.. Arie was still a baby btw.

Fast forward into time Myla and Jeremiah got married and both Akira and Aries names got changed to "Evans".

Now here's with the whole Raine situation 😭.

Y'all remember in the first to second book that Myla got kidnapped and raped by Deontae? Okay so she got pregnant with deontaes baby and she didn't want to abort it.

So 9 months later where now Akira is in Florida, she gave birth to the baby girl and named her Raine, obviously. Now this was way before Arie was born and Akira was like a month old baby I believe and Myla couldn't take care of two basically new born babies.

(This all happened in a fast matter of 4 months)

Myla put Raine up for adoption and you already know Raines story so I won't go into it again.

So Raine is Deontae and Mylas baby, she would be Akira's half sister but technically not Aries sister.

Since Akira and Arie share the same father but not the same mom they are half sisters. Now with Raine, Akira and her share the same blood because they have the same mother.

Arie is adopted and Myla isn't her real mom so theres no blood relation between the two of them.

But since Akira and Arie have the same dad they are blood related, Raine has Myla and akiras blood in her so they're a half biological little group.

Raine only has Mylas blood so Arie isn't in the equation cause she's not related to nobody except Adrian.

Basically to sum it up..

Arie and Akira are half blood sisters. Akira and Raine are half blood sisters.

Arie and Raine is not blood related technically therefore they are not sisters but you could call them distant sisters if you want because even though they are not fully or even half blood related Arie and Raine still both have akiras blood in them even if rain just has a sliver 😂 or a penny size amount of Arie they are just distant sisters then fully or half blood.

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