This Stupid Shit Again | Chapter 24

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Judas POV - Same Night

I struggled to get to her up and in my car with my gunshot wound but I tried anyway even if that made me bleed out more.

I lifted her up as she started going in and out of consciousness and I stumbled to get her in my car. "Stay with me Arie damn" I said laying her gently in the back seat.

I shut the door and went into the drivers seat and started the car then sped off to the hospital, I drove with one hand on the gunshot wound and the other hand on the wheel.

"Judass" Arie groaned.

"We almost at the hospital Ri Ight? Ima get you help and you gone be just fine" I said and my voice started to crack.

Ian never cry in my life but this might be the start of it cause damn.

"M-m-my babiess" she struggled to get out.

"They gone be good Ri just stay up" I told her as I let a tear fall down my eye and I sped through red lights and swerving past people.

Fuck man, damn ion know what ima do but somebody gone get a bullet straight through they brain once I know who this is.

"I.. love you.." I heard Arie mumble as she was losing blood.

"I love you too shorty just keep the blood from coming out and don't fall asleep we almost there" I said with my cracking voice.

We got to the hospital and I stopped the car right in front of the door I got out as quick as I can not even giving a damn about where I got shot and I carefully got her out and ran her in the hospital.

"AYE CAN I GET SOME HELP HERE PLEASE!" I yelled as more tears started coming out my eyes.

The doctors at the front acted fast and they rolled in those stretchers and told me to put her on there.

"She gone be fine right?Shes pregnant " I asked them as I kept up with there pace.

"We don't know sir but we going to try, but you look like you have your own wounds so come with me please" a doctor said pulling me away from her.

I nodded my head and the doctor put me in a wheel chair and her and another nurse rolled me into a room to get me fixed up.

They offered me anesthesia but I told them no cause I went through this before and it didn't hurt that bad.

After they got the bullet out, they put a bandage wrap on my stomach and they asked me for a police report but I demanded no cause I was going to find out who done hit this shit.

"Can I make a call? I need to call her sister and let her know" I asked the doctor.

She nodded her head and I took my phone out my back pocket and I dialed her number.

It was a few rings and then she didn't answer, I called again and this time she answered on the very last ring.

"Hello? Akira?" I said.

"Judas.. get help, some people are in Lindsey's house they're downstairs" she whispered frantically.

"What? Kira who is there? Where's Lindsey?" I asked.

"I don't know I thought he would-"

The phone call got interrupted with a gunshot in the back and that made my heart drop.

"Kira?! Akira? You still there?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't know what they just shot but it came from downstairs call help please" she whispered then the phone hung up.

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