Happily Ever After Pt.1 | Chapter 38

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2 days later..
Lindsey POV

Today was the day I propose to Akira and later on at like 7 I was gonna set up the spot.

I was making her breakfast cause she had to go into the office today until 4 so I thought that I could do this to start her day.

"Good morning baby" she said coming in the kitchen.

I turned around and she was in her little pan suite and she flat ironed her hair with her Versace heels that I bought her when she gave birth.

"Hey sexy" I said then kissed her lips.

"What you making?" She asked.

"Breakfast before you leave" I replied.

"Awe okay" she said sitting down on the stool behind the island.

I made her plate which had pancakes, bacon and some watermelon on the side and gave it to her and turned off the stove.

"Thank you" she said.

"So I wanna take you on a date when you get home today" I said putting the pan in the sink.

"Okay... where you gone take me to?" She said eating her pancakes.

"Time square and we gone bring Londyn with us so we don't need a nanny, this date gonna be special so I wanna include two special ladies in my life" I told her.

"Well I'll be ready for it as soon as I leave, what time is it?" She asked.

"9:40" I said.

"Oh shit I gotta leave, I'm taking this plate with me though cause you did a good job on this breakfast" she said getting up with the plate.

"Yo fat tale, make sure you don't spill no damn syrup in yo car cause I'm not cleaning it again" I said.

"I know bye love you" she said getting her car keys.

"Love you to" I spoke then she left.

I had to run some errands while she's out at work so I went upstairs to Londyn room to get her ready cause I'm taking her with me.

"Wassupp Barbie" I said to her and she was smiling.

"Me and you gone hang out today okay? I need to get mommy some stuff" I said to her and put her on the changing table.

I changed her pamper and I went in the closet and picked out this lilo and stitch onesie and put on some black leggings and white socks. It was kind of chilly outside and even though she might like the cold I don't want her to get sick.

Looking through her closet, I found this one of her jackets and put it on her. I picked her up and went down to the kitchen and warmed up a bottle just in case she get hungry while we out.

After I warmed it up I took it with me and grabbed her folded up strolled and but it in the trunk of my car and put her in the car seat.

I made sure she was secure and I went in the drivers seat and I drove off to the mall.

At the mall

I went into New York and company since Kira always go in here to get clothes.

"Hello sir may I help you look for anything?" The store lady asked.

"Uh Yea do y'all have any blue dresses?I need one for my girlfriend tonight" I asked.

"Okay come with me" she said and I followed her pushing the stroller.

She took me in the dresses area and they have everything color coordinated so she showed me a huge rack of blue dresses.

"So what type of dress? Like for a wedding or party" she asked.

"Im taking her on a date tonight and I'm proposing so I just want something that looks nice" I told her.

"Ahh okay well let me see..." she said then looked through the rack.

After 3 minutes she pulled out this blue dress with buttons at the top and it was nice honestly

"You have a medium in that?" I asked

She nodded her head and pulled out a medium version of the dress and I took it.

"Is that all you'll need today sir?" She asked.

"Yea ima go cash this out, thank you" I said and I took the dress up to the cash register and bought it.

I left the store and went into Aldo to get her some matching heels and I saw some white strap up heels and I asked the dude for a 7 in these and he gave them to me and I bought them.

Now that I got her dress and heels I went to this baby clothes store and I wanted Londyn and Kira to match so I looked for a blue dress. Thank the lord she was asleep since we got here.

She gone start crying soon though I feel that shit in my head.

I looked through the rack and saw a simple little blue jumper suit thing so I picked it up and bought it. We already had some white shoes at home so I'll put that on her when the time comes.

Me on the other hand.. I went into the polo store and bought this dark blue polo and some black jeans and I was just going to wear my white dc's to match the white logo.

I left the mall with my things and put Akira in her car seat and I settled in the car. It was now 1:25 pm and I didn't even know that it took my that long to buy everything for tonight.

As soon as I was about to pull off Judas was FaceTiming me so I answered it.

"Wassup Bro" he said.

"Yoo, whats poppin" I laughed smiling.

"Tonight's the night man where you at?" He asked.

"I'm in my car I just came back from the mall I was buying her dress for tonight and her shoes" I explained to him.

"What you got?" He asked.

"A blue long sleeve dress, white strapped up heels and then I bought Londyn the same thing and I got a dark blue polo and some jeans" I told him.

"Okayy y'all finna be looking sharp aye?" He said smiling.

"You already know" I smiled.

"Who you on the phone with?" I heard Arie in the back ask.

"Oh lawd here come her loud ass" I laughed.

"Hey lindseyyy, you asking my sister to marry her tonight?" She asked.

"Yea, I got it all nice and set up too but ima put the speaker down before we even get there so it can all be a surprise" I said.

"Okayyy, how my niece doing?" She asked.

"She in the back seat asleep she prolly finna wake up any minute now though" I told her.

"Oh okay well y'all have fun tonight but me and ju gotta go" she said.

"Ight bye y'all" I said and they said bye in union then I hung up.

I started the car and drove back home.

At home

Londyn was splashing the water while I was giving her a bath and laughing.

It was 3:50 and Kira should be home soon so I got Akira ready before hand.

"Chill Barbie, let me give you a simple bath" I said as she splash the water around and everything.

After like 8 minutes I took her out and dried her off then put on her outfit. For her hair I parted it and put two little puffs in the front and left the back curly.

For a one month baby she had a lot of hair so it was easy to do. She was all dressed and ready so I picked her up and put her in the crib while I got ready.

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