Doing the Time | Chapter 36

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The Next Day
Akira POV

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Oh my gosh, thank the lord. Akira I need you to get me outta this bitch jail ain't my thing.. I'm 18 now so I could got to prison" he said frantically.

"Okay calm down Jordan, tell me all that happened" I told him.

"Ight so boom, the girl was flirting with me and I was rejecting her so she started doing the most and yelling at me and shit and we was at the park by the way and Angelica come up and was like 'why you yellin in my nigga face' and blaze blaze then they started fighting and angel was beating the fuck outta her then ole girl pull out a knife and Angelica didn't notice so I pulled her off so she wouldn't get stabbed and then the girl got up all bruised up and started saying all this shit like 'ima tell the police you beat on me' and da da da da da and so she called the police and Angelica was trynna defend me when the police came but they ain't believe her so they took me in... you know what they do to light skins like me in jail?" He explained.

"Okay ima be working on it okay? As long as you under my arms you'll be free as soon as the court ended" I responded .

"Thank you I swear your the best sister ever I'll mail you up what ever you wan for a whole day" he said.

"Yea Ight Jordan but I gotta go take care of Londyn so I'll see when I see you" I said.

"Okay love you and kiss My niece for me please and teach her to say free my uncle" he said on the phone.

"Love you to and no I'm not doing that byeee" I said then hung up the phone.

I put my phone down and then went upstairs to check on Londyn but I heard Lindsey talking to her so I listened in behind the wall.

"You gone be daddies lil girl for the rest of yo life, when you start going to high school and meeting boys they gone have a tough time... you gone grow up just like yo pretty ass momma and doing your own shit and got it handled and not depending on no man" he spoke to her and it warmed my heart up.

I walked in the room and he was rocking her to sleep. "You doing your daddy duties huh?" I asked.

"Yup and giving some words of wisdom to our daughter... Kira look what we created, all I ever asked for honestly and I got it" he said putting her back in the crib.

"I know and it'll be more to come" I smiled

Bobby POV

"Chill chill" I laughed as Aaliyah and I was chasing each other around my house with water guns.

We got bored and didn't feel like being outside we we just decided to do this all in the house.

She stopped spraying me and then I looked up and saw that she ran out of water. "Oh yea I'm finna soak yo ass now!" I laughed and she ran up the stairs.

She ran in her room and shut the door, she was cheating her ass off right now.

"Liyah open this damn door, you cheating!" I yelled banging on the door.

"Noo" she whined.

"Ight ima be downstairs" I said lying.

I made it sound like I was going downstairs but I hid beside the the other side of the door.

She opened it slowly and when she got out I sprayed her and she screamed. "Got yo dumb ass" I laughed.

"Okay okay" she screamed.

I stopped spraying her and went downstairs. "We gotta mop up some of this water" I said as she followed me.

"Let me play some music on the speaker first" she said grabbing my phone and typing my pin in.

She connected the phone to the speaker and she played da baby that's one thing we agreed on was that dababy was the best rapper out here.

Arie POV

"Look Ju he sitting up by himself" I told judas as he came back home from his new job.

Judas and I started dating like 2 months ago and while we were in the talking stage he promised me he would get out the drug business and get a job and that's what he did.

He works at a Rolex store that pays $26 per hour and I was proud of him.

"That's my boyyy" he said then picked him up.

"Where Sami at?" He questioned.

"Taking a nap, I gave her a bottle and she fell asleep so Jacy decided to stay up" I said looking at him.

"You fed him yet?" He asked going into the kitchen.

"Yea, he starting to hold the bottle by himself now" I spoke

"Of course he is he boutta be 9 months soon" he smiled taking the baby food out the fridge.

He put him in his high chair and then I heard Masami crying upstairs.

"Ima be back" I said and he nodded his head.

I ran upstairs to get her and she was standing up in her crib crying.

"Mommy's here Sami baby" I said then picked her up and she stopped crying.

"You just wanted your mommy huh?" I told her smiling and then my phone rang from my pocket.

The name Sami's Dad 💛🙂 went across the screen and I answered it sitting down on my rocking chair.

"Wassup" pace said smiling.

"Hey, you called to check in?" I asked.

"Yea how my other princess doing?" He said looking at her.

Masami smiled at him and kind of waved her hand. "You see yo daddy Sami" I said and she giggled.

"I'm sending more clothes for her this weekend, the hell judas doing?" He asked.

"He downstairs taking care of Jacy you wanna talk to him?" I asked.

"Yea I want him to hook me up with a Rolex" he laughed.

I went downstairs holding Masami in one hand and my phone in the other.

"Ju, pace wanna talk to you" I said and he was feeding Jacy.

I gave him the phone. "Yoo wassup nigga" ju said.

"Nuffin much, you being a good daddy over there" he laughed.

"You already know" he responded.

"G looks my guy but aye, when you gone hook me up with a Rolex I been feenin for one" he said.

I let them talk and I went on the couch and sat Masami on my lap. I needed to catch up on my show so I laid down and watched it with her.

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