Chapter 1

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Wow! The start of a new story is a rush :). I'm currently ahead enough in chapters to feel comfortable to publish this one, and I hope you guys enjoy it! 

I'm writing MC books because of how much I love reading them, so I hope this book can be one of the many that bring you into the MC world!



"I'm sorry, Pres."

"Not your fault," I muttered. My hand pinched the bridge of my nose as I sighed. One of my men, Ripper, had gotten hit by a minivan while out on a job. Normally, it wouldn't have been a problem, but a few...illegal things fell out of the bag he had on his bike.

"What should we do?" Ripper asked while biting his nails. I scowled.

Though his name made him seem intimidating, his body and personality didn't really match up to it. Ripper's figure worried me sometimes—he looked too thin, but the doctor was constantly going on about how healthy he was. He was also extremely shy. He could act when he needed to but it wasn't his true self.

"Do we still pay James?" I asked. He had been our lawyer for a year or two before he found out what we did and quit. If we were somehow still paying him I might be able to persuade him to work one more case for us.

"We don't, Pres."

"Damn it! I thought—"

"Are you alright?" Another one of my men burst into my office. Reaper, Ripper's boyfriend, had a habit of ignoring orders when it came to his boyfriend's safety. I glared at him and growled a little at his disrespect.

"Pres," Reaper acknowledged after they separated. I narrowed my eyes until he lowered his head a little.

"Don't do it again, Reaper," I told him even though I had no doubt he wouldn't listen. "Do either of you know a lawyer?

"No," they answered at the same time. I cursed once again.

"We need to find one in less than a month, or Ripper's gonna be in for a while. I'll try my best," I assured. Ripper looked absolutely terrified. The poor thing wouldn't last a week in prison, so I was going to do my absolute best to keep him out of there.

"Ask around, see if anyone knows a lawyer who'd be willing to help. I want a list of at least ten people before the end of the week, alright?"

"Yes, sir," they both left the room. I sighed as my body flopped into the desk chair and I stared up at the ceiling. I reached up to touch the small earpiece that rested in my ear.

"Torch? Five minutes."

"Yes sir," my Vice President responded. He showed up five seconds later.

"You know I say five minutes so you have time to finish things up before meeting with me, right?"

"Yes sir." I don't think I would ever be able to get the man to stop calling me sir. He took his job both as a father and a vice president very seriously.

"Ripper's in trouble, so we need a lawyer now. Know one?"

"No, sir—well," he hesitated. This was the first time I had ever seen him so much as pause during a sentence.

"Well, what?" Did he know a lawyer or not?

"Bear's kid...I don't remember her name, but she's a lawyer."

Pres | Fallen Angels MC #1Where stories live. Discover now