Chapter 2

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I have felt a lot more confident in my writing lately, and I've been on a roll! Hopefully it continues.


"I've got the list of lawyers you asked for yesterday, sorry they're late," Reaper walked in. I glared at him slightly and took the list out of his hands.

"Why are there only three on here?"

He scratched the back of his head, "Nobody really knows any lawyers, even these three are very distant family and friends."

"Damnit," I sighed. Our chances were looking pretty slim. Calling Bear's daughter was our last resort, because I didn't want to mess things up there.

"I'm going to go talk to Ripper, update him and see how he's feeling," Reaper took his leave and I leaned back in my chair, running a hand through my hair and staring at the list. It was time to do some research.

After looking the three of them up, two out of the three were extremely small—with only two lawyers—and the third was a family attorney. None of these would work.

With a long, frustrated sigh, I looked up Davis and Miller in Dallas, Texas. A nice website came up and I scrolled to the very bottom where it said, "Contact Us,". Once I clicked on it about thirteen lawyers came up with little bios underneath their pictures.

Maya Bariding, a criminal justice lawyer originally from Portland, Oregon, along with other miscellaneous information. There was a general phone number for the law firm, but underneath each picture was their extension, so I picked up the phone.

"Maya Bariding's office, this is Julie, how may I help you?" An assistant answered.

"My name is Mike Campbell," I almost gagged at the sound of my old name, "I was hoping to speak with Ms. Bariding."

"She's in a meeting at the moment, can I take a message?"

"A call-back would be amazing, thank you."

"Have a nice day, Mr. Campbell."

"You too." I put the landline back on the table and leaned back in my chair. Torch knocked and peek his head into the room.

"We've got a problem," he said, looking completely exhausted.

"What could have happened in the past five minutes?"

"We posted Ripper's bail but the prosecutor's are trying to make sure he doesn't leave the state with any paraphernalia."

"So what?"

"He was just taken into custody again," Torch answered. Shit! Was that even allowed? It didn't sound legal. A loud thump, then a crash echoed through the clubhouse and we raced through the hall until we reached the kitchen.

"What the fuck!" Reaper screamed, taking a full bottle off of the shelf at the bar and slamming it against the countertop.

"Reaper!" another one of my men, Sniper, helped me pull Reaper away from the bar and into his room on the third floor. We tossed him, and he landed on the bed, bouncing a few times.

"You need to stop, man, we're trying to figure it out," I explained.

"How? How is it legal for them to take him after we've posted bail?" Reaper sounded desperate but also absolutely livid.

"We're figuring it out, man. I'm trying to contact Bear's kid."

"Hurry up!"

"Say that again? I didn't quite hear you," I spoke, taking a threatening step forward. There's a certain amount of upset and anger I allow to be put towards me, but he just crossed a line.

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