Chapter 8

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Hello! The beginning of this chapter was sad for me to write :(, but I hope you all enjoy it! Things just keep getting more and more kinda story. :)


Reaper was having a very difficult time saying goodbye to Ripper.

I didn't want him to have come to the courthouse to drop him off, but he insisted. Two officers were a few feet away, waiting for him. The four days had gone by too quickly.

"Reaper, he has to go," I reminded under my breath. Ripper tried to pull Reaper's arms off of his body, but he wasn't as strong as his boyfriend. I stepped forward and pulled Reapers arms away.

He yanked himself away from me, kissed Ripper, and turned around so he wouldn't see him walk away.

The officers came forward and didn't have to touch him because he also turned around and walked straight through a door with the officers, without looking back. I heard the car door slam behind me and looked to see Reaper sitting in the car staring straight ahead.

We got back in the car and drove home. Maya decided to come to the courthouse early in the morning so we didn't have to drop her off, nor would I have to pick her up.

"We'll get him out, Reaper, you just have to have patience."

"Screw patience, where is she now?"

"Back at the courthouse, talking to the woman that hit him—wait, she's calling now. Maya?" I answered the phone.

"Campbell," she was breathing heavily, "are you back at the clubhouse yet?"

"No, I'm a few minutes out, what's up?"

"I need Comp to identify someone fast, but I don't have his number."

"Reaper, call Comp, and put him on speaker so they can talk, it's the fastest way," I demanded. Reaper scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket, but he was able to dial up Comp fairly quickly.

"Comp, we never used facial I.D. on the woman who hit Ripper, can you do it? Fast, please, fast," she whispered, "I'm hiding in the bathroom," she giggled.

"I'm working on it now, it's going to take a few minutes," he warned. I could hear a door open in the background and guessed someone had come into the bathroom.

"I was thinking of Hardees for dinner tonight, baby," Maya's voice turned sultry. Reaper turned to me with wide eyes.

"Hardees is gross," I pushed her to break the character I know she was using because someone else was in the bathroom.

"I can pick it up on the way home."

"Your acting is horrible," both Reaper and I were laughing hysterically by now.

"Yeah, I can get you your usual, baby...okay, thank God she's gone," she laughed too, "I know my acting is bad, shut up! I just saved all of our asses."

"I've got the name,"

"Elizabeth Christian, 31, unmarried, no children...oh," Comp said.

"What?" I demanded. What was so interesting?

"Officer Elizabeth Christian, of the Portland Police Department."

"Shit, I knew she looked familiar," Maya cursed, "I was wondering why the woman was refusing to meet me. I think we have our answer, boys."

"Whether she did it on accident or on purpose, the police have been trying to focus the attention on Ripper, probably because he's in the MC," I said. Everything was clicking now.

"I've got to go, I'll update you guys when I get back." Maya hung up without waiting for anything else and Reaper let out a breath of relief.

We arrived at the clubhouse about a minute later and I called Church to update everyone. All of the members filed into a conference room with an old, scratched up, dark brown table and nice leather chairs.

"It looks like Ripper's case wasn't just the police after us," I started, "We don't know if it was on accident or on purpose, but it looks like an off-duty police officer hit him and they're trying to cover it up."

"Shit!" A few murmurs filled the room.

"We've still got Maya working on it, and she's working hard, so if you see her, tell her 'thank you'. We're going to figure this out," I assured, making eye contact with Reaper.

"I've got your backs; I just want to make sure you all know that." They had no one to help them and protect them when my father was around.

Chimes of agreement rang throughout the room and I dismissed all of the men to go back to what they were doing.

"Thanks, Pres," Rooster, among many of my men, shook my hand as they exited. I felt pride rush through father would never have done this.

"You're doing great, man, don't think about your dad," Torch patted me on the shoulder.

"How could you tell?"

"You get the same look on your face every time," he chuckled. "Want to talk about it?"

"No, no, I'm alright." We stepped into the living space where some men were drinking and watching a television show I sighed and plopped onto a couch. When I leaned my head back I could feel almost all of the tension leave my shoulders.

I really hoped Ripper wouldn't go to prison, nor would any of my men, now that we had Maya. I was putting all of my trust in her and I hoped she pulled through.

I accidentally fell asleep on that couch and didn't wake up until around seven o'clock. The clubhouse was fairly quiet, all of the noise coming from the bar, which was one door away.

I entered the kitchen and saw what was making the noise...Maya was home and making herself dinner.

"How'd it go?" my voice cracked from my sleep and I fought not to wince. She whipped around, surprised at hearing me come in.

"Good, good, we've really got some progress in the case now, I feel confident." She pulled her bowl of soup out of the fridge and sat down at one of the tables. My brain, deciding I was awake for the night, wanted a nice, hot cup of coffee.

She laughed as I started making it.

"What's so funny?"

"You clearly just woke up and now you're having a cup of coffee," she took another bite of her soup

"Once I'm up, I'm up," I said tiredly. I was still tired, but I knew I wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

"I know the feeling," she stood up, "but I'm going to try and get my last few good nights of sleep before the trial."

"I don't think I can thank you enough," I repeated. "You uprooted your life for this, and you're going all in for it. I'm sorry if I was rude in the beginning."

"I understand why you were rude," she laughed, "and I'm not mad. Yes, I left that job, but I'm still doing what I love, and I'm closer to my parents, which is something I've wanted for a while."

Her eyes softened. Her dark brown eyes matched her dark brown hair as she took it out of her ponytail. I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Thank you...again."

"You're welcome, Campbell," she started walking up the stairs, "see you tomorrow."


Thanks for reading!

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