Chapter 27

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Last chapter! I can't believe it's come to this. I hope you guys have enjoyed Maya and Mike's stories! I wish it was Christmas time right now.


"Merry Christmas, baby," I murmured in Maya's ear.

It had been a while, maybe a few weeks, since we brought Laura back with us. She was enjoying living with Kiki and Bear, even if it took her a while to warm up to them.

Maya was in my arms, naked, with the thick blanket on top of us only covering her bottom half. She wasn't a morning person, but she would be today.

I slipped under the covers to wake her the usual way and she was blinking her eyes open in the next few seconds.

"Merry Christmas, Mike." I crawled up her body until I could move myself inside of her. She sighed, almost as if she was relieved, and dragged my face down to hers.

"What a perfect way to wake up," Maya sighed. I hugged her tightly and relaxed back into bed.

"Is it bad to want to make cookies for breakfast?"

"Santa didn't eat all the cookies last night?" Maya gasped sarcastically, staring at me with bright, wide eyes. I rolled my eyes at her and climbed out of bed.

She chased me into her walk-in closet where I pulled on grey sweatpants and a Christmas graphic t-shirt she had gotten me a few days ago.

She pulled on festive pants and a matching shirt before we walked downstairs. Maya asked me what the club did to celebrate Christmas and I told her we didn't really celebrate besides a huge feast Rooster made Christmas night.

Maya went out and bought her own Christmas tree, along with a few presents for me even though I told her not too, and had her entire downstairs decorated with anything red or green.

I bought some presents for her too and snuck out of bed this morning to move them under the tree. We would be meeting with her parents and Laura later, then everyone would be at the clubhouse for dinner.

I moved some cookies from the freezer into the oven and waited patiently with a cup of coffee for them to be done.

"Mike," Maya called from her living room, "did you add presents under here?"

"Yeah," I answered. The oven beeped loudly. "Why?"

"We agreed on no presents," Maya entered the kitchen and was greeted with the delicious smell of sugar cookies.

"I wanted to get you something," I answered. "Besides, you got me presents, too."

"Fine," Maya stole a cookie and grabbed a plate from the cabinet. It was soon piled high with cookies and she brought it to the living room while I carried two full cups of coffee.

"You go first," I said, shoving a cookie in my mouth afterwards. She picked up a small present and smiled gratefully at the sight of jewelry.

"Thank you," she kissed me. Maya's breath was full of coffee, sugar, and warmth. She handed me a present and I opened it to find a laptop. I turned to her quickly.

"What the hell? How did you get this?"

"It would be nice for you to have all your documents in once place," Maya explained before I got too frantic. "I have a scanner here, too. It will help you with your club businesses and monthly checks."

"I—I don't know what to say. Thank you, Maya," I whispered. She smiled, glad I liked her present.

We both slowly opened presents until one box was left under the tree.

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