Chapter 6

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Super short chapter, but a lot going on in this one and more ahead! 


"I'd rather we not die before we reach the..."

"The clubhouse, Maya, it's a clubhouse. Get used to it." Clubhouse it was, and we were only a few minutes away from it. I was dying to get matter how far I extended her seat back my legs were still cramped.

I hated cages, but this driving was necessary, and I don't know how I made it across two state borders without getting pulled over.

Reaper, Sniper, and Torch were all waiting outside when I hit the brakes hard in our parking lot. Before Maya could say anything I was out of the car and bent down touching my toes. Torch laughed and slapped me on the back.

"Guys, this is Maya, Maya, this is Sniper, Torch and Reaper, Ripper's boyfriend," I groaned as I stood up.

"Nice to meet you," I heard the greetings going around, "Torch, will you show Maya to the room, I'm going to stay back and talk to Reaper."

"Sure. Do you need help getting your things?"

"Um...sure!" I waited until they were gone to face Reaper.

"I don't want to get your hopes up, but Maya says she can get Rip out for a few days, but then we don't see him until the trial. What are your thoughts?" I wanted his honest opinion...he couldn't lose his shit in this situation.

"How many days?" His voice was desperate.

"That doesn't matter, Reaper. I just need you to tell me you're not going to go ape shit when he has to go back, and you have to stay calm until the trial. Maya looks like she knows what she's doing."

"We don't even know if she could do anything to help," he muttered.

"It's better than just letting him sit there without a lawyer, isn't it? Look," I grabbed his shoulders, "Give me your word that you won't make any rash decisions."

"I promise," he sighed, "let's get the rest of her boxes inside." After taking the boxes inside, I made sure to grab a beer before I went to talk to Maya. Comp had laid out all the information for her and it was in her room ready to go.

When I walked in, Maya was going through the papers and Reaper was answering any questions she asked about it. She pulled up her laptop and I stepped behind her seat to see the website Comp had made.

"He did a good job," I murmured. It looked legit and professional, just what we needed.

"Okay, out, all of you," she waved us out with her hands, "it's going to be a lot of long nights for me, and I need to start now."

"You heard her, out!" I pushed everyone out of the room, including Reaper who tried to push back at first. I gave him a glare, shoved him out, then slammed the door. When I turned around Maya had here eyebrows raised.

"I'll leave, but I just wanted to let you know that you can feel free to help yourself with anything downstairs, and I'll have my phone on me if you have any questions."

"Got it," she said. She put her eyes back on the paper.

"Thank you," I said. I didn't wait to hear a response and left the room. Our men had been arrested before, but we all knew we needed to get Ripper out of there. I was not only appreciative of the fact that she was working this case for us, but the fact that she was willing to work for us indefinitely was something I appreciate.

Sniper was nursing a beer downstairs, so I joined him with my own.

"All we can do is wait," I murmured to myself. I think this might be more frustrating than trying to get her to work this case for us, but we would see in the upcoming days.

Around dinnertime, Bear and Kiki showed up. Rooster, the 'early-riser' of the group was cooking some sort of noodles, and when I walked up to look at what he was cooking, I noticed there wasn't really enough to feed everyone.

He could feed the other men, I was capable of making my own meal. Luckily there were some leftovers in the fridge from someone going to a steakhouse. I stole it out of the fridge and walked to my office.

Maya walked in shortly after I had sat down and shoved a large bit into my mouth.

"Where's your tech guy?" She asked. I licked a few of my fingers and picked up my phone. He answered right away.



"Come to my office," I said, then hung up. I took another bite of my food.

"Comp? What's that mean?"

"Computer," I said, mouth full of food. She laughed so hard she almost fell to her knees and all I did was roll my eyes.

"Have you talked to your parents?" I asked her. So far, Bear hadn't tried to kill me, so my guess is that they had a talk.

"Yes, they scolded me for a while," Maya answered quietly. Comp entered my office quietly.

"Comp, this is Maya. Maya, this is Comp, our tech guy," I introduced them.

"If I could follow you to your workspace, that would be awesome," she told him. He glanced at me first before nodding at her.

"Whatever information she needs, give it to her." He nodded, and they were out the door. I finished my lunch and paid a few bills before going to find Comp and Maya. They were in his lair, sitting by his wall of computers, tv screens behind them.

"How's it going?" Both of their heads turned towards me.

"Good," Comp answered, "we've got Ripper on the traffic cams and I've contacted a lead the cops didn't follow up. There was a car a couple cars behind him that had a dash cam...they offered to submit it but it was denied by the police."

"Why would they not want it?"

"Because they did something wrong." Maya was angry? At what?

"That means..." I wanted her to fill in the blanks.

"That means this case just got a lot more complicated, Campbell."


Woo! More tension coming soon :)

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