Chapter 4

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Hello! I'm getting even more ahead in chapters so I feel comfortable updating again and again! 

I'm just getting excited about this book. :)


"You better not have threatened her!"

Maya hung up on her pissed-off father and slammed her head onto the back of her seat, tears finally streaming down her face.

"What the hell is going on?" she whispered aloud. I sat in silence, waiting for whatever she wanted to do next.

"Do you have any other questions?" I asked quietly. She sniffled and turned towards me.

"When is the trial?"

"Three and a half weeks," I answered.

"Holy shit!" Her eyes went wide. "I need to—I—we need to go now." I was confused by her rush but didn't dare to question it. She started her car and pulled away from the bar when I finally said something.

"How about you drop me off at my hotel, I'll pack up my stuff and take a cab to your house?" I suggested. She shook her head and sighed.

"You stay at your hotel tonight, if you're there it'll distract me from packing."

"You're moving this soon?"

"Having a month, mostly two months' notice before a trial is what I would call a safe bet," she sniffled, "I have three months. Yes, I'm packing tonight, and I'll talk to my boss tomorrow."

"You can't give your two-weeks' notice," I stated the obvious. If she wanted to go now, we needed to go now, not in two weeks.

"I know, dumbass," she huffed. A few minutes later she pulled to a stop in front of my hotel and wiped her final tears away.

"Thank you for the ride, and...if it matters, I'm sorry," I murmured quietly. I grabbed my jacket from the floor in front of me and stepped out of the car. I gave her a moment to say something before I shut my door but she didn't make another sound.

I shut the door, and she did not hesitate to speed off. I pushed my tongue into my cheek to keep an outburst at bay. My feet led me back to my hotel room and I dropped my body onto my bed with a huff.

I know she was upset...I predicted it as well. What I did not expect was the tears and the argument between her parents. I needed to stay out of that. Maya scared me a little when she freaked out about the amount of time she had before the case.

Would we be able to get Ripper out of there? I didn't know how good she was at her job, and at this point, I was praying to whatever god was out there.

I picked up my phone and dialed Torch to update him.

"Pres," he answered.

"Reaper there?" I could hear Torch lean away from the phone and yell at him.

"He is now."

"She's taking the case," I said and cleared the groan that was trying to come out of my throat.

"Oh my god," I heard Reaper say in the background. Torch pulled the phone away from his face and his voice got lighter while Reaper's got heavier. He'd handed the phone to him.

"She is worried that she might not have enough time, so she's packing tonight and we should get arrive home in a few days," I told him honestly. We might be home before that, but I didn't want to get his hopes up in any part of this situation.

Pres | Fallen Angels MC #1Where stories live. Discover now