Chapter 10

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"Quit biting your nails, man, that's disgusting."

Reaper stopped pacing and pulled his finger away from his mouth, glaring at Sniper who had made the comment. Sniper was smiling, trying to get on his case.

Maya and Ripper were still in the back of the courthouse, getting everything settled, and Reaper was impatient. No one from the MC left after the trial. We were all here waiting until we could make sure he was out and free.

I was surprised the judge had released him so quickly, but I guess it was going to be very difficult dealing with the prosecution of not one, but two police officers. The video also clearly showed the female officer clearly not paying attention and swerving into Ripper.

It was tough watching Ripper hit the ground, and I almost looked away, but I would never turn my back on anyone.

Another hour passed before a door down the hall clicked open. We were all forced into one hallway, some men sitting on the floor and others standing all along the hall.

All of our heads turned to see Maya exiting the room in her pencil skirt and blazer, followed by Reaper in some larger clothes that obviously weren't his. I assumed his clothes had been destroyed when he was taken to the hospital after the accident.

Reaper took off down the hall as everyone started to stand up and slowly make their way towards them. I let the two lovers have their moment and turned to face Maya. She wore a proud grin on her face, surrounded by bright eyes and loose curls.

"What did I say?" She said, getting cocky. I rolled my eyes and held my hand out towards her. She shook it quickly.

"You were right," I admitted. Normally, I wouldn't, but she had done so much for the club already...we really owed her.

"Thank you!" Ripper interrupted us and pulled Maya in a hug. She wrapped her arms around him too, squeezing tight.

"It was no problem, Rip, I'm glad you're back," she said quietly, "I can't wait to get to know you." After Maya pulled away Reaper was able to pull her into a hug next. Torch came forward, his daughter asleep on his shoulder, and shook Maya's hand in thanks.

"I want to go home," Ripper said, jumping into Reaper's arms with a smile. I nodded in agreement.

"Let's head out!" The hallway felt breathable with all of my men leaving and I let Reaper leave with Ripper before I stopped Maya on her way out.

"Comp is getting your second pay check ready to go through, did the first one work out?"

"It did," she said, "but I'm not too worried about the paycheck. It's fine. I noticed it was a little too big, last week."

"I'm not too worried about the paycheck," I countered with a smile. She rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, I deserve a long nap after this," she laughed and followed my men out the door. I smiled a little and followed her. She got in her car and my men formed their bikes behind me.

"We ride!" It didn't take long for Reaper, with Ripper laughing on the back of his bike, to fly passed me and beat me to the clubhouse. When we all arrived and made it inside, they were nowhere to be found.

I presumed we weren't going to see them for a while.

"I think I'm going to start looking for a house," Maya appeared next to me and spoke, popping a grape in her mouth. I looked down to see she had a bowl of them in her hands. How did she get to them that quickly?

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