Chapter 16

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My favorite chapter to write so far! You'll see why soon...


"That was amazing," Maya said with a smile and a skip in her step.

"I'm glad you liked it," I answered back quietly. Outside the restaurant Maya had grabbed my hand and didn't let go. I didn't want her to let go...this was the perfect way to end a date.

"After you," I murmured. I pulled open her door and stood behind it. My face tensed in confusion when she just stood silently for a few moments. "Everything okay?"

Maya slammed the door shut after taking a step forward and didn't stop until she was standing right in front of me. I gulped and tried not to look down at the wide V in her dress that was now pressed against my cut.

My hands lifted in surprise when Maya gripped my cut to pull me into a kiss. 

We relaxed into the small kiss for a moment before my hands finally reacted. They rested at the bottom of her spine and tried to pull her closer than she already was.

"You looked so good today," she whispered in between kisses. I groaned into the kiss and pulled away before it went too far in the parking lot.

"Christ," I whispered into her hair as I stared at the parking lot. Maya just giggled, flattened her hands against my stomach, and pulled back after a few moments.

She opened her own car door and slid into the vehicle. Maya had somehow slipped the keys from me and started the car while I stood frozen in the parking lot.

How was I supposed to just...get in the car after that?

I tried to act calm as I walked to the driver's seat and slipped into the car. Maya had the radio turned to some station I hadn't heard before...or had heard before, but I couldn't think about anything right now.

"Thank you for taking me out," Maya whispered. We were already at the gate to the clubhouse? How did we get here? I don't remember driving.

"Thank you for coming," I managed to whisper back. Maya snuck a glance at my crotch and smirked. I tried not to look at her.

I walked her back to her room.

"I'm sorry," Maya apologized. "I have to do it again." She reached for my face, and I took a step back. I laughed and shook my head.

"My turn," I whispered. My hands reached up to grip her soft hair and I tried not to ruin the "updo" she had before I kissed her.

After that? Screw the updo.

She slowly backed us into her door and chuckled when her head hit it. I twisted my hands and clenched them around wisps of her hair.

I would never get enough of this woman.

"Alright, Campbell. I don't put out on the first date. Maybe next time," she grinned when she pulled back. Maya touched my lips with her fingertips before whispering a farewell and slipping into her room for the night.

I let my head hit the door.

Fuck! She was incredible.

"How'd it go?" I whipped my head around so fast I almost fell to the floor.

"Damnit, Rooster!" I tried not to raise my voice so Maya wouldn't hear me. I clenched my fists and stormed back to the bar. I needed a drink.

The Riders bar was in full swing, their party just getting started. I looked around and found a seat next to Torch.

"Scotch," I ordered before Rooster—who had followed me to the bar—could open his mouth. He rushed to the bar.

"Where have you been?" Torch glanced at me, then back to the flatscreen a few feet away.

"Took Maya out on a date," I muttered. I didn't meet his eye when his head slowly turned.

"No shit?"

"Yeah. Went great," I winced when Rooster rushed back to our table.

"How'd it go, boss?" He forcefully slid in the booth next to Torch. He knew better than to try with me if he wanted the information.

"He knew?" Torch's eyes widened in surprise. He took a swig of his beer and glared at the man squished next to him.

"It went fine, man. Why do you want to know?" I took a sip of my scotch and narrowed my eyes at him. He shrunk under my gaze.

"Just want to see the Pres happy. Happy Pres leads to a happy club, right?" Rooster nudged Torch with a grin. Torch glared at him back and he took the hint, slinking away to find a seat at the bar.

"Don't be so hard on him," Torch smiled. "He's curious."

"Just because he's the youngest member doesn't mean anything," I sipped my scotch some more. "Who's got Tori tonight?"

"Martha," Torch muttered. He took a real long swig of his beer and raised his hand for another.

"How long?"

"A week," his answer was short. The bartender brought over another beer and Torch didn't hesitate before opening.

"I'm sorry, man," I apologized. We all knew how he felt when Tori was gone. The club felt it too.

"I'll never get used to it," Torch put down his beer and belched. "How was the date?"

"I told you. It went fine."

"There's more than that," I could see Torch eyeing the ashtray. He stopped smoking when Tori came around. I knew it was hard for him to quiet.

"How so?" I asked.

"Was on my way to the bar when I saw y'all walk in gigglin' like schoolgirls," Torch chuckled. His accent always came out when he was drunk.

"Go home, Torch," I said softly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going," he cursed when his knee hit the bottom of the table and walked slowly back to his room.

I made to down the rest of my scotch until Maya walked into the bar in her pajamas. I sputtered what was in my mouth back into the glass. She picked up a martini and sashayed her way over to my booth.

"Hey handsome," she chuckled and slid in next to me.

"Hey," I coughed. Maya laughed at all the dripped scotch on the table. I could only stare at her in her blue t-shirt and cloud pajama pants.

"Just thought I'd come down for a drink. Had a good day," Maya smiled into her drink.

"It was a good day," I agreed. Her smile got wider. I tried my best to ignore Rooster grinning at us from the bar.

"I just came down for one drink. I'll see you later," Maya downed the rest of her martini in one go and stood. She bent over and kissed me on the cheek before calmly walking back to her room.

I fought the urge to stare at her as she left.

The rest of the scotch slid smoothly down my throat before I walked to my room as well. I passed from the loud music of the bar to the quiet kitchen, then to my room. It was the furthest down the hall.

Could tomorrow be as good as today?


Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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