Chapter 15

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I knocked on Maya's door and felt like I was in high school again.

I went for a white button down tucked into black jeans with my cut...I would never take it off unless I had to. PRESIDENT was patched the shoulders in big, bold letters with the emblem of the club beneath it.

Fallen Angels. I grinned to myself...I was proud of my club.

"One minute!" I heard shouted from behind the door. I took the opportunity to wipe my sweaty hands on my pants, hoping she wouldn't notice. Restless, I fidgeted from foot to foot.

I had to hold in a gasp when Maya opened the door.

A dark green dress was pulled tight around her wide hips and opened into a very wide V at the top. She smiled shyly and pulled the door behind her. I waited to touch her until she was outside and wrapped my hand around her waist to walk her to the car.

"You look beautiful," I murmured. She gave me a huge smile.

The sexual tension could be cut with a knife but I opened the passenger-side car door of a cage—a car that belonged to the club, and tried to straighten myself out before getting in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" She asked. The question was quiet but there was excitement in her voice.

"The Italian place on main street," I answered.

"Yes! I haven't been there since I was a kid!" She jumped in her seat and clapped a few times. "Did you ask my parents?"

"You think I asked your parents where to take you on a date? Bear would kill me," I joked. She gave me a dazzling, happy grin and settled back in her seat.

I wanted to put my hand on her leg...but left my hand clenching the steering wheel tightly. Her soft, thick thighs rested gently on the car-seat and holding myself back from them was one of the most difficult things I've done.

Maya gasped softly and gazed at the soft Italian diner with love in her eyes. I grinned, knowing I chose the right spot and pulled into a parking spot a few feet away from the entrance.

I tried not to stare as I opened the door, held a hand out, and helped her out of the car. Her black heels slowly stepped out and I gulped when her thighs moved off of the car-seat.


She removed her hand from mine to straighten out her dress. I placed a soft hand on her lower back—ready to take it off if she wanted—and led the way into the diner.

"Reservation under Campbell," I murmured softly. Maya looked at me, surprised for some reason, but I kept my eyes on the hostess. She quietly led us to our table and handed us two menus.

After she'd left I softly pulled out Maya's chair and pushed it back in when she was seated.

"This is great," Maya said softly. Her hands grazed the menu. "It's just like it was when I was a kid."

My dad hung out with the drunks and the stoners...he didn't have "time" to take me to family restaurants like this. I took a drink of my water and tried not to think of any negativity.

"I'm glad you like it. Do you want to share something, or...?" I trailed off. This date was about her.

"We can share something," her eyes drifted down the menu, "There's a family you like white or red sauce?"

"White," I said softly. It took me a moment to realize how I said it and I looked down at my menu, groaning quietly in embarrassment.

"Is Mike Cambell blushing? Am I seeing that correctly?" Maya laughed loudly. I laughed with her for a moment before calming down.

"How was working in Dallas?" I asked. I hadn't heard much about it except for when I had been in Dallas to pick her up.

"I found a really good company to intern at. Got the job pretty quickly after that," Maya said with a light smile. I found myself grinning right back at her.

The water came by with drinks and took our order. The conversation continued from there.

"Not to brag, but I was the best in that firm. My coworkers don't prioritize their clients. I can't even picture that...why are you a lawyer if you're not helping people?" An angry crease covered the top of her eyebrows.

"They put in the work just to get the paycheck. That's it. You're a different breed," I smiled. She laughed again. A stray hair fell from behind her ear, and she tucked it back quietly.

To anyone in the restaurant, we probably looked like creeps. Sitting in silence and smiling at each other could seem like a date going bad. Comfortable silence was a wonderful thing.

"So," Maya started, looking unsure, "I don't really remember your dad much. Can you tell me about him?"

"He was a good dad; took me to baseball games, on his bike all the time, he just wasn't a good leader of the club," I answered softly. Maya nodded, seemingly deep in thought.

"He spent all the club money on booze and drugs—coke, heroin—and let the club have it for free. We were bankrupt long before he passed. He did some bad things to keep the club afloat," I whispered towards the end.

"I'm sorry," Maya smiled like she was embarrassed, "I don't want to ruin the mood, just curious."

"It was a long time ago. Like I said, he was a good dad," I reminded her. It was true, even though in his later years he had less and less time for a teenager like me.

"What about your parents? I've known them all my life," I chuckled. Maya smiled too.

"They were great. Daddy always took me out on his bike and Mom just laughed...I think they raised me good, don't you?" Maya asked with a special, unidentifiable glint in her eye.

"Of course," I answered with a smile.

"The Family Fettucini," the small waiter murmured as he set the heavy plate down. I watched Maya pile her plate high before doing the same to my own.

"This is amazing," I murmured after the first bite. Maya was still chewing with her eyes closed and her face leaned up towards the ceiling.

Broad shoulders and soft, pale skin led up to a perfect neck...I cleared my throat and focused back on my plate.

"It's just like when I was a kid," Maya smiled. "I'm grateful stuff like this hasn't changed."

"I'm glad I went to Dallas," I blurted before I thought about it.

"What ever do you mean?" She changed her voice into a posh, British accent. Her smirk told me she knew what I meant but just wanted to push my buttons.

"I'm glad we met, and that you came back with us. You've helped us a lot," I nodded. Her smirk dropped off her face and was replaced with a soft smile at my words. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm glad too," Maya murmured.


I think the next chapter is my favorite...


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