Chapter 26

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Second-to-last chapter! I really hope you guys are liking this.


"Laura, call the police," the piece of shit whispered when we all came back downstairs.

Rampage's eyes widened in horror when he saw the girl walking next to us.

"She won't be doing anything, jackass," I muttered. There was a horrible taste in my mouth because of this man and the things he had done.

Torch stepped forward and punched Derek as hard as he could. The man spit a tooth out and glared at me, then at the young girl.

"Laura, call the police," he repeated. I stepped in front of Laura and pulled out my gun. A bullet was in between Derek's eyes the next second. We all heard Laura sigh in relief.

"Torch, Ramp, focus on burning this place to the ground. I don't want them finding the bodies," I murmured. "We'll wait outside."

"Bodies?" Laura asked. She followed me out the front door and towards our bikes.

"We're just going to make it look like you both died in the fire. That way you don't go back to foster care. Let's just wait here for the truck, okay?" I pulled out a sandwich and some chips that I was saving for later and handed them both to her.

"I'm not hungry," she waved the food away. I put it back in the bag and turned to her.

"Is there anything you want from the house?" I crossed my arms. I didn't know how to tell with teenagers.

"There was this sweater that I's hanging in the closet upstairs," she answered quietly.

"Torch," I pressed the coms system in my ear, "Grab the sweater out of the girl's closet."

"What sweater?" He asked.

"Any sweater you can find," I answered. He murmured the affirmative and came out a few minutes later, followed by Rampage.


"Just need to light it up," Rampage muttered. Laura shyly pulled a cream knit sweater from the pile Torch was holding. He jogged back into the house, dropped the rest of the clothes on the floor, and came back outside with matches in his hand.

"Wait to light it up until we leave," I muttered. "You sure everything is covered?"

"Positive," Rampage muttered. He pulled out a cigarette and stepped away from Laura to smoke it.

We sat around quietly until Sniper pulled in with the truck so fast the tires were squealing.

"How's it going?" He jumped out of the truck and approached me quickly.

"Fine. Want to get back quick," I cleared my throat and motioned Laura over. "This is Laura. Laura, this is Sniper."

"Hello," Sniper said awkwardly. We traded keys and I made sure Laura was in the truck before I hopped in the driver's seat.

Laura didn't speak the entire ride back, the only noise being the bikes on either side of us and behind us and the radio playing quietly in the background.

Maya was waiting in front of the clubhouse with Ripper and Reaper, biting her nails anxiously. Her eyes lit up as I pulled the truck into the driveway.

I hopped out of the truck just in time for her to come crashing into me.

"Hi baby," I muttered. She kissed me and slid down my body until her feet touched the ground. Maya turned to face Laura standing awkwardly to the side.

She smiled, though it looked more like a wince, and let Maya lead her inside.

"How'd it go?" Reaper asked. Torch, Rampage, and Sniper made their way to the bar, laughing and smiling.

"I didn't plan on bringing anyone back with me," I sighed. "Now we're going to have to figure out what to do with her."

"We'll figure it out," he murmured. We went to the bar for a few drinks and I joined Maya in her house later that night.

Laura was eating a bowl of pasta at the kitchen table and Maya was reading through some paperwork.

"Hey," I greeted softly. Laura's head snapped towards me while Maya rushed to greet me with a kiss.

"Hey," Maya greeted back.

"How's everything going here?"

"Good. I've been talking to my parents, they are more than willing to take her in. Comp created a birth certificate, forms of adoption, etc. I'm just checking things over," Maya muttered. She turned back to the paperwork.

"You've been busy," I told her. She nodded absentmindedly. "How do you feel about this, Laura?"

"Better. Maya's been talking to me a lot. I feel better," she repeated. Her shy exterior was already opening up.

"I'm glad," I said quietly. Maya showed her to her bedroom for the evening and pulled me into her own bedroom.

"There's a kid in the house now," I pouted when Maya took off her clothes, only to put pajamas on.

"Only for a night," Maya whispered. She climbed into bed next to me.

"A night too long," I grumbled. Maya smacked me and told me to be nice before she curled into my side and we both fell asleep, completely exhausted and nervous for the days to come.

The next morning Laura was introduced to Bear and Kiki and moved into Maya's old bedroom. Maya was busy with work at her house, so I stopped by her parents' place to talk to her dad.

"Hey, Pres," Kiki said with a smile. Laura was putting her shoes on nearby and greeted me with a small wave.

"Bear home?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's out back. We're about to go out to get some stuff for Laura, you'll have the place to yourselves," she said quietly.

"Thanks," I murmured. Her and Laura stepped out the front door as I stepped out the back. Bear was near the woods, chopping wood on a tree stump.

He stopped when he saw me but kept a tight hold on his axe.

"Can I help you, Pres?" He shouted across the backyard. I waited until I was about a foot away before responding.

"Maya tell you where we found Laura?" I asked, straight to the point.

"No, just that she needed help," Bear answered. "Why?"

"She told me, Bear...about what happened years ago." The look on his face darkened and he swung the axe at an unsuspecting tree, lodging the axe in it. He released it and stepped away.

"Damn fucker," Bear cursed under his breath.

"I killed him yesterday. Laura was his foster kid. Seems like he was abusing her, too," I murmured. Bear swallowed thickly.


"Yeah. She's gonna need a lot of help, Bear. I'm glad she's with you guys now."

"Me too. As pissed as I still am that you brought her back, you're good for Maya. I see that. Without her, we wouldn't have found Laura, either," Bear muttered. He pulled the axe out of the tree.

"I don't need to say what will happen if you hurt her, right?" Bear swung the axe like a bat a few times.

"Not at all," I murmured. "I was thinking of making her my old lady."

"You're what? Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm serious, Bear. I'm serious about her," I answered truthfully.

"I think she'd say yes," Bear murmured.

"I hope so."


I'm cheering on my characters from the sidelines! Can they hear me squealing?

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