Chapter 13

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I'm busting these chapters out!


The silence that followed my question was terrifying.

Why wasn't she saying anything?

"This is out of nowhere, Campbell."

"I know."

"I didn't know you had any sort of feelings for me," she said honestly, glancing over at me.

"I didn't know either, it just—something has been nagging at me and I couldn't figure out what it was," I breathed tightly.


"Not you, my feelings for you," I scoffed. Even in a serious moment she could make herself laugh. She was snickering in the passenger seat. My eyes drifted towards the movement of Rooster exiting the bar, looking for his bike.

The guy can never remember where he parked his damn bike. I didn't even think about him seeing us and watched his eyes lock onto mine. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively until I glared at him and he jogged across the parking lot.

"Um, can I think about it?" She didn't sound mad, or dejected, which was hopefully a good sign.

"Sure, sure. Take your time." I didn't want her to take her time! Every time I was near her I itched for a cigarette, but I think it was just...the fact that I didn't know what was going on. Now, I knew what it was, but waiting for an answer was going to cause a lot of smoking.

"Thanks for driving me," Maya smiled at me, grabbed her grapes and shut the door softly after her. I leaned my head on the steering wheel and closed my eyes in defeat. This was moving so quickly and I still couldn't figure out why it was so weird for me.

"Hey boss! What was that about?" Rooster slammed the door behind him and leaned in close to me.

"Christ," I held my hand to my chest, then punched him in the arm. "Why would you scare me like that?"

"I thought the big bad Pres never got scared," he joked, which earned him another punch. He held his arm with a wince.

"Why are you here?"

"Just though you might want some help," he said, having the decency to look sheepish, "I also watched the entire conversation from over there."

"Rooster!" I boomed and listened to it resonate through the cabin of the truck. "Stay out of my business.

"Did you ask her out?"

"My God," I rested my head against the steering wheel in frustration.

We sat in silence and he actually winced when I sat up and glared at him. He was way too peppy and was all over my business somehow.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You've been giving her "lovey eyes" ever since she got here," he scoffed and used his hands as quotation marks.

"I have not," I defended. He held up his hands to stop me.

"I saw what I saw. Did you ask her out?"

"Yeah," I surrendered. Maybe he could give me advice when I needed it. "I have no clue what I'm doing."

"You're talking to the love master, over here," he wiggled his thumbs at himself. I tried not to gag and just glared at him again instead. As far as I knew, he hadn't been in a relationship since he joined the MC at 17.

"Since when are you the—I'm not even going to say it."

"Just trust me," he promised. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I had no reason to trust him, but he was also the only one offering advice. I wasn't going to go around to my men and ask them for relationship advice.

"What did she say to you asking her out?"

"I'll think about it."

"Seriously?" He asked. "Damn. I thought she would've said yes."

"You know what—let's—let's talk about this some other day. I've got work to do." I stepped out of the truck and jingled the keys in my hand. I ignored the sound of a door slamming behind me and feet rushing to catch up with me.

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it, Pres. She'll make her decision soon," he assured from behind me. I nodded and sped up my pace. He caught up awfully quickly.

"Go find something to do, Rooster," I told him, knowing he wouldn't listen.

"She's been giving you "lovey eyes" too, you know?" He was walking backwards next to me so he could see my face.

I smirked when he hit the wall of the clubhouse as I reached for the door. He scrambled to follow after me, rubbing his head.

"It's none of your business, Rooster," I reminded. "Now go find something to do. I'm serious. What are you supposed to be working on today?"

"Inventory," he mumbled. He worked at the bar and made it clear early on that inventory was his least favorite thing about his job.

"Get to it. Stop bothering me," I waved him off. He glared at me and stopped through a side door and into the bar, which was on the other side of our kitchen.


A few days passed and I had barely seen Maya at all.

I didn't think she was avoiding me—it's not like she ran when we made eye contact—but it still made me nervous. Days with radio silence from her end suggested that she wasn't going to give me the answer I wanted.

I had actually run out of things to do—and cigarettes to smoke. God, when was the last time someone went grocery shopping here?

Trying to keep my mind off of Maya, I had rushed through my work faster than normal. I now didn't have anything to do until the construction company check-in a week from now. I was basically twiddling my thumbs, and now that I didn't have any more work, all I could think about was Maya.

I had never waited on a girl so long. There wasn't anything wrong with it, I didn't necessarily hate it, but it was driving me insane.

"Hey, Sniper," I called out as he brushed past me. He stopped and backed up until he was back in front of me. "Can you do the shopping this week?"

"Yeah, it's actually my week to do it. We low on anything?" He looked confused.

"Cigarettes," I patted him on the shoulder, "get lots of cigarettes."

"You got it." He brushed past me again and I didn't wait to hear him leave before heading up to my office. There had to be something I'd forgotten to do that could distract me.

I ended up just sitting at my desk and browsing through my computer. I could only hear my finger clicking the mouse as I scrolled through the social media sites to check on our branding.

We had hired someone to do it awhile back, so I didn't check it often, but I hadn't looked at our ratings in a while.

"Yeah," I jumped at the sudden distraction. Maya's head peaked through the door, her hair wildly tangled around her and her eyes open wide.

"Huh?" Was all I could stammer, still dumbstruck by her appearance and her voice. She blinked, as if surprised.

"Yeah," she said again with a slight giggle. Her head disappeared and I almost stood up to chase her. "Yes, I'll go out with you!" came from down the hall.

I sat down with a relaxed smile and leaned back in my chair.

There would be time for chasing later.


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