Chapter 22

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This chapter gets intimate, and surprisingly it was one of my favorite chapters to write. 

I hope you all enjoy!


"I'm so excited!"

I winced and covered my ears when Maya shrieked right next to me. She pulled my hands away from my ears and kissed my cheek.

"Sorry baby," she smiled. The ringing in my ears wasn't there anymore. Only her "baby" was.

I was taking Maya out on my bike for the first time today. It was something she had been begging and pleading for, even threatening to ride on the back of other members' bikes, until I finally gave in.

She didn't know that her house was officially completed yesterday. My job was to distract her while Kiki furnished it.

It had been a few weeks Maya was stabbed and the wound had healed nicely. Maya had a few nightmares at first, but overall seemed to be unaffected by the incident.

I let her drag me to my bike, parked in the first row in the sea of bikes, and glared at anyone who laughed at him as they passed.

She had her helmet strapped on and was bouncing on the balls of her feet before I was even on the bike. I pulled my helmet over my head too and smiled smugly when her arms wrapped around my stomach.

"You ready?" I asked her through the small communication unit near my mouth. I heard her gasp.

"How can I hear you?" she asked.

"Comp is a smart guy," I answered. "he installed a coms unit in every helmet so we don't have to yell over our bikes."

"Amazing! I'm ready! Go, go, go," she chanted in my ear. I pulled out of the spot and turned to the right outside of the gate, then turned again on a windy road.

I wanted to thrill her.

"Holy shit!" Maya shouted in my ear when we leaned dramatically to the left. She laughed the entire time and extended her arms out horizontally, like she was growing wings and trying to fly.

"You enjoying yourself?" I asked sarcastically. Her laugh filled both of my ears.

"You are so getting a reward tonight," Maya said. She sounded out of breath. It took absolutely everything in my body not to crash the bike.

I skidded to a stop in a gravel driveway and turned around as fast as I could.

"What the hell are you doing?" She shouted in my ear. Her hands squeezed me tight so she didn't fall off as I turned quickly.

"Getting my damn reward," I responded with gritted teeth. "Rooster's not stopping us this time!"

I flew off of the gravel driveway, cutting off a blue Prius that rode my bike's ass all the way home. I didn't care. Nothing could get me out of this mood.

Multiple men rushed up to my bike as it came squealing through the gates and skidded to a stop in its usual spot.

"Is everything okay, Pres?"

"Are you guys alright?"

I yanked myself off of the bike and pulled Maya off right after me. I ripped my helmet off and picked Maya up over my shoulder just as hers was pulled off her head

"Pres, everything alright?" Torch jogged up to the bike.

"Fuck off," I gritted between my teeth. I rushed inside to my room and slammed the door behind me, throwing Maya off of my shoulder just as she smacked my ass, giggling.

"You think something is funny?" I asked, crawling on top of her. She grinned and pulled me into a rough kiss.

"I think I'm funny," she gasped between breaths.

"You're funny looking," I murmured and moved to her neck. She laughed and flipped us over so she was on top. Her legs spread on either side of me and she pressed her hips down on mine as hard as she could.

"Christ," I pulled back from the kiss for a moment just to watch her. Maya's lips were swollen, a little puffier than they had been from the last kiss, and her hands were fisted in my shirt.

"Fuck, you look amazing," I whispered. She grinned and leaned down to shove her face in my neck.

"Pres?" Damnit! If Rooster didn't leave in the next ten seconds, I'd kill him.

"Fuck off!" I shouted again. Maya sucking on my neck almost had my toes curling in my boots.

"The surprise is ready!" He knocked again. I slid out from underneath Maya and slammed the door open.

For the first time since I had met Rooster, he looked genuinely fearful.

"If you don't leave in five seconds, I'm going to rip the patch off your chest and throw your body in a woodchipper," I threatened. Rooster gulped and rushed back down the hall. I slammed the door behind him.

"A surprise? For me?" Maya murmured behind me. I locked the door and turned around, then slammed my back against the door.

Maya stood about a foot away from me completely and utterly nude. I gulped and rushed towards her.

"Nothing's going to stop us now," I grunted. Maya fell backwards onto the bed and I fell on top of her, immediately pushing my hands between her legs.

"God," Maya grunted. I lifted one of her legs onto my shoulder and dove in with my mouth, too. Nothing would stop me.

"Mike, mike, mike, Pres!" Maya climbed to her orgasm quickly. I quickly skimmed my nose up and down her neck and guided myself inside of her.

"Holy shit," I gasped. My hips began to move back and forth and Maya gripped my shoulders tightly until she removed one of them to move my hand to her throat.


I applied a small amount of pressure on her throat and kept my hips moving. Maya's eyes rolled back in her head and her leg over my shoulder began to twitch.

"Don't stop, don't stop—fuck!" Maya screamed. I let go a few seconds later and collapsed on top of her completely.

She didn't seem to mind my weight, so I stayed there for a few minutes before pulling away.

"That was the best...of my life..." Maya sighed. She looked at me and we grinned at each other before moving around to clean up.

" surprise?"


Yikes...keep an eye out for a trigger warning next chapter.

Pres | Fallen Angels MC #1Where stories live. Discover now