Chapter 21

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Another excited!


I smoked almost an entire pack of cigarettes before I could walk into the hospital.

It took a while for me to build up the courage. I strode in confidently but faltered when I reached her room. I heard a sniffle and didn't hesitate before walking in.

"Mike," Maya rushed to wipe away her tears. "Hi."

"Hey," I blew out a big sigh.

"I'm so sorry for what dad did, I didn't know he would be like that!" Maya reached out to me with her hands.

"I was just going to take a walk," I walked a little bit closer, "but your mom caught me on the way out...told me something I hadn't heard before."

"My mom too? I thought she liked you," Maya murmured. I was just out of arm's reach for her.

"She told me you've been considerin' going back to Dallas," I grunted. I watched her closely for a reaction.

There was none.

"Mike, that's not true," she laughed. I looked out the window and squinted at my reflection.

She reached out for me again. I hesitantly stepped closer.

"I told my dad that because he was really nervous I was back. He didn't want me staying here because he knew how bad it got years ago. I was going to tell him soon," Maya murmured. Her hands fell back at her sides onto the bed.

"Does he know now?" I took another step closer.

"I told him...that's why he stormed off on me," she whispered.

"How bad did it get years ago?" I asked. Maya reached for my hand when I finally sat down on the side of her bed, next to her legs.

Maya winced whenever she moved her right arm. I was surprised the nurses hadn't put it into a sling.

"You don't have to tell me," I whisper. Her hand tightened around mine.

"Can we talk about it later?"

"Of course," I kissed her forehead, then her lips. "I'm going to see if we can get you out of here early."

"Please," Maya smiled. I smoothed down my cut and walked out of the room, quickly spotting a young, red-headed nurse.

"Quick question," I murmured. Her head snapped up. I leaned against the pale blue walls of the hallway and smirked at her.

"What can I do for you?" the woman stopped typing and gave me her full attention. I could almost hear Maya's laughter from here.

"I've got a friend in there, and I really want 'em to come home early. You think you could find me the paperwork?" I drawled slowly. She cleared her throat and glance through the iPad in her hands.

"What room?"

"309," I answered.

"It says here," she tapped the screen a few times, "that she's not supposed to leave until Thursday."

"I know, sweetheart, but I was hopin' you'd be able to pull some strings," I batted my eyes like a teenage girl.

She fell for it and left to get the paperwork. An hour later I was able to help Maya into her clothes.

The doctor put her arm in a sling so she didn't agitate the wound and gave us instructions on how to bathe her.

It would have to be a sponge bath until late Wednesday or Thursday.

The hospital insisted they needed to escort Maya out of the hospital in a wheelchair and neither of us had a problem with it.

"There she is!" Ripper shouted. He'd brought a truck, per my request when I was filling out Maya's paperwork, and had it pulled up to the front entrance.

I helped Maya stand and watched her hug Ripper with the uninjured part of her body.

"It's good to see you," Reaper murmured when Maya climbed into the backseat of the truck.

"It's good to see you guys too," I whispered sarcastically. Maya giggled and rested her head on my shoulder the entire drive home.

The club was glad to see her, and they were all especially glad she was going to stay with the MC after getting injured like this.

I left Maya with Torch, Tori, and Ripper when I saw Bear and Kiki arguing in the back of the room.

"Can we talk?" I asked Bear quietly. He glared at me but followed me to my office. He sat in the big leather chair while I sat in the desk chair behind the desk.

"Maya is happy. Isn't that what you want?" I asked to start the conversation. Bear glared at me for a moment before responding.

"She didn't want this life. It took me so long to accept that, but I have. She left. She wanted nothing to do with this. Then you came along...we told you not to talk to her," Bear sighed.

"I'm sorry—"

"I respect you, as President of the club, and I think you're doing a great job of reversing your father's mistakes, but going behind my back to my daughter...the best thing I've done in my life..."

"I'm sorry Bear. I was only thinking of saving the club and Ripper's safety. It won't happen again," I apologized. An upset club meant being forcibly removed from my position and being killed.

"She had such a tough time as a child; threw herself into her work, graduated top of her class—"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think Maya's story should come from her," I murmured quietly. Bear blinked and snapped out of the emotions he'd been feeling seconds prior.

He stood, cleared his throat, and moved to leave the room.

"She loves you so much, Bear. She wants you to approve of what she does," I told him. It was true. They might think Maya never thought about them after she left, but it was all she thought about.

"I have no problem seeing her with you," Bear said quietly. He opened the door and glanced back at me. "It's the club that's the problem."

"We'll protect her. I'll keep her happy for the rest of her life," I promised. Bear simply shut the door behind him and left me to wallow in the ringing silence of the room.

I know how much Maya wanted her father to approve of our relationship, but I didn't know how to assure Bear that she would be alright in the MC.

"Knock knock," Maya said as she opened the door slowly. I sat up in my chair and gave her a genuine smile.

"What's up?" I asked. I held my arms open wide and Maya fell into them, sitting on my lap.

"Some woman came asking for you," Maya said with distaste. "He sent her away...she ended up with Blade just now...but it made me think of something."

"What is it?" I tightened my grip around her midsection, trying to be careful with her injury.

"Is this thing we have official? Is it exclusive? I feel like a middle schooler asking this, but—"

"Yes," I chuckled. "you don't have to be afraid. Ask me anything."

"Good," Maya used her right arm to pull me into a rough kiss.

"Who wouldn't want to date me?" I asked. Maya stood, smacked my shoulder, then pulled me out of the room to socialize downstairs.

I smiled and watched everyone interact at the bar. Shouts of joy that the club was safe filtered throughout the entire clubhouse.

No one was getting any sleep tonight.



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