Chapter 12

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Hello! Per a certain someone's request, I'm uploading this chapter...and she's sitting right next to me. :)

Enjoy, Zoe!


"If anything happens to anyone, from here on out, we call the police. We want to get these guys locked's suspicious that they aren't already."

Maya had me call Church as soon as I told her the news.

She explained a little more of the details before releasing my men from the room. I stayed seated and watched her drop into a chair a few feet down. Her tangled hair fell on her shoulder and she closed her eyes, clearly trying to relax.

"I guess we should add a spa to our businesses, huh?" I smirked. She opened her eyes and shot me a questioning look.

"Is that how you decide to create and run a business?"

"It couldn't hurt to earn a few more bucks," I cocked my head to the side. I wasn't wrong.

"I'm sure you make enough with your other businesses," she scoffed and sat up, starting to attempt to untangle her hair.

"We do," I tried not to get cocky but couldn't help another smirk overtaking my face. She laughed sarcastically then shot me a glare to tell me that I obviously wasn't funny.

"Shit!" She winced as she pulled a hair out, then stood up and dropped it into the trashcan.

"You want help?" My hands itched for another cigarette.

"Um, sure," she smiled shyly. Since when was she shy? I scooted closer and reached my shaking hands up to her hair. Why was I shaking? I needed a cigarette.

I got most of it untangled carefully while she tried not to make eye contact with me. Why was this so weird?

"The rest should come out in the shower," I said quietly. My hands twitched on my lap and I stood. Without saying another word, I left the room and jogged downstairs. I sat in a couch in the corner of the living room and pulled out a cigarette.

"Hey, Pres," Rooster, always the happy and peppy guy, plopped down next to me.

"Hey Rooster," I puffed out smoke and put the cigarette back in my mouth.

"Everything good?"

"Yeah," I trailed off. Again, the case was over, we were safe...I didn't know why I was so twitchy.

"Doesn't sound like it," I glared at Rooster who glanced away from me. I needed to sit alone in silence to figure out my thoughts, and after I glared at him I think he understood.

I couldn't figure my feelings out. Yes, I appreciated that she was here and here to stay, but I didn't know what my other feelings were.

Could I like her? In that...way? I took another drag of my cigarette and started bouncing my knee.

"Seriously, Pres, if you need any help, I'm here," Rooster assured. I nodded at him, but when I didn't answer him vocally, he got the message and moved himself into the kitchen. I went to take another drag but was met with the end of the cigarette. How long had I been sitting here and smoking?

I had no problem with liking someone, especially her...she was gorgeous and we joked around a lot, I just had no idea what to do at this point. Women at the clubhouse were few and far between.

Pres | Fallen Angels MC #1Where stories live. Discover now