Chapter 17

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After this, chapters might slow down a bit...we'll see! I shouldn't have tried writing three books at once



"They are officially in town," Comp announced the morning after my date with Maya.

I sat at the head of the conference table as he connected his laptop to the TV and showed everyone the blinking dots.

The cops didn't think to turn off their cell phones. I found it hard to believe that they had gone through any training.

"Let's run over the rules again," I stood up. "Comp, make sure all cameras are recording at all times. No exceptions."

"Got it, Pres."

"Only keep registered pieces on you. If anything were to happen, we don't need to get this case thrown out for illegal weapons," I said loudly. Everyone nodded their heads and waited for more instructions.

"Lastly, if anything happens, we call the police first." Everyone in the room grumbled angrily at my words. We didn't have a good relationship with the police and hated getting involved.

The club wouldn't get in trouble with the law again. We'd listen to whatever Maya said.

"Dismissed," I let the men go to do whatever they'd like. Earlier, I had put Ripper and Reaper on lockdown. I didn't know if this was a revenge attack and we weren't taking any chances.

I waited until every member was out of the room before leaving myself.

"So," Maya trailed off. I nearly jumped out of my skin and glared at Blade, who was out of the room before me and was dying of laughter down the hall.

"How can I help you Ms. Bariding?" I taunted with a smirk.

"I think it's my turn to take you out," she smiled. I smiled back until recent events came to mind.

"The two suspects are in town," I started with a grimace. "No one's leaving the club unless they absolutely have to."

"No problem. Want to go for a drink tonight?" She wrung her hands in front of me.

"Only if you wear your cloud pants," I chuckled. Her eyes sparkled with delight and her smile practically lit up the hallway.

"See you tonight," she whispered. I stared at her retreating figure and jumped in fright again when hands clamped down hard onto my shoulders.

I turned around and had the person pinned to the wall within the second.

"Seriously, Rooster?"

"Sorry boss...Won't happen again," he choked out. I released him and watched him crash onto the floor.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is training day. Did you want to skip it?" He asked.

"No. Tell them to continue as normal, just go out back for any outside training. No one goes past the gate," I murmured.

"Yes, Pres," Rooster answered. He walked back down the hallway.

My day passed quickly thinking of Maya. I got some work done around the club and helped with training before training a bit myself. It was the hottest day that summer, probably, to most of the men had their shirts off.

After Torch had pinned me to the ground with a hard laugh, I glanced up to see Maya standing near her windowsill with a bag of popcorn.

Her eyes moved across each of the men with a smirk while she chewed.

I pushed Torch off of me and told him to give me a minute before I jogged into the house with a smirk. My cut was resting on the back of one of the chairs in the dining area, so I pulled it over my sweaty chest.

A few seconds later, I knocked at her door with a grin.

"Who is it?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and refused to answer.

The door quickly creaked open and man I should have taken a picture of her face. Maya's mouth dropped open slightly and her eyes were as wide as they could be.

"Shit," she whispered.

"Like what you were seeing down there?"

"Hell yeah," she had no problem admitting she had been staring at all the shirtless men in the yard. Maya looked at me up and down without shame.

"Don't look at me like that," I whispered and pulled her into a fast kiss. She kissed back quickly and just as rough, pushing me backwards until I hit the door across the hall from hers.

Thank god who ever lived there was probably not in their room.

"Fuck," I whispered while pulling back to take a breath. My hands tangled in her hair and pulled her as close as possible.

"Um," I tried to catch my breath after pulling back. "I have to go back."

"No," Maya whined and tried to pull me back into the kiss. I tried pushing her away with a cocky grin but that was quickly wiped off of my face when she placed her hands against my bare abdomen and felt around.

I watched on with hooded eyes. She had turned the situation on me so quickly...I had been so cocky walking up to her room.

"I'll see you for drinks," I pushed her hands away. "I really have to go." I wanted nothing more than to stay with her and see where this was going to go.

"You'll get your punishment tonight," Maya whispered against my lips. She walked back into her room, picked her popcorn up off the floor, and shut the door behind her.


She thought she could punish the President of a motorcycle club? She was sadly mistaken. I smirked and went back to training.

Instead of going to the kitchen like I normally did, I went to the bar for some greasy food. Most men followed me in for a beer. I waited to order my drink—Maya would be down any minute.

After an episode of a soap opera ended and Blade was done crying about it from a few booths down, my greasy burger and fries finally appeared in front of me.

I was able to take one bite and chew a few times before Maya walked through the doors.

Her thick thighs rubbed against each other as she strutted over to me in what was probably the smallest dress she had. I coughed up the last few bits of my burger I hadn't swallowed and covered my mouth in embarrassment.

Holy shit!

"Hey handsome," she purred. I clenched my burger so tight that the ketchup began to pour down the side.

She reached over, before she sat down, and took a huge bite out of my burger. I about melted on the chair...this must be my punishment.

It'll be better in the future.


Hope you enjoyed :)

Pres | Fallen Angels MC #1Where stories live. Discover now