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Mew's POV

I come back and see everybody dancing and having fun. I snap a few photos and look for my cousin. She's sitting alone looking in the camera. I sit beside her which startles her so se jumps up. "Sorry P' " I say and ask if she got any nice pictures. We talk a bit and then she checks the time. "It's almost 10 pm. Only hakf an hour left. Then we're off duty untill they bring out the cake." she says excitedly. Seems like she can't wait to dance.

I smile at her and turn away to take some more photos. There I see him again. The weird servant guy. I zoom in and find his nametag. Gulf. Weird name for a weird guy.

His nametag is getting bigger. I move away the camera and see he's approaching me. Great, just great. I have to deal with him again.

"Sir Mew, don't you wish to dance or something? I mean you can't possibly be taking pictures all the tim when nothig's really going on." He smiles. Why on Earth would he bother talking to me? I explain I'm on duty till 10 and then at midnight when they bring the cake. "Well as I see it, it's already 10 so..." I look at my watch and damn he's right. I stand up and find Mint. She waves at me. "We have to put away the cameras, I'll come back then" I say and leave him.

We carry everything away and I spend the next two hours awoiding the weird guy. While I'm doing that I try to greet as many relatives as possible. I wasn't really able to talk to them before cause I was busy. I try to chat as much as possible. I really don't like dancing, cause I suck at it. I really do. Sadly, today isn't my day to have luck.

"Sir?" I turn around and see Gulf who patted my shoulder. You again, I think to myself and smile politely. "Yes?" "Would you like anything to drink before dancing?" I shake my head and hopr he disappears. He doesn't. "Are you sure?" he asks again and I, quite irritated, reply: "Why would I drink before dancing if I'm not about to dance?"

"You're not?" That's P'Mint behind me. "Why would I dance?" I ask seriously irritated. "Nong. Your sister asked for you to dance with her" P' says and as I look around I see my sister standing  by the microphone looking for me. She waves at me to come closer. As I realise I absolutely have to dance, I turn to Gulf, who holds two glasses of champagne in his hands. I take and drink both. I usually only dance by accident, when I'm drunk. Otherwise never. And my sister knows it.

I approach her with a fake smile and say through my teeth: "You just have to embarrass me." She smiles and assures me, we're going to dance disco-style so my embarrassement will be lesser. I look at her defeated and nod. She grabs my hand and drags me in the middle of the dance floor. I really hope that somebody joins us. I really do.

Untill that actually happens. When others join us I try to escape but suddenly all of my sister's friends surround me and want me to dance with them. I don't understand, cause I dance horribly.

When it's time for cake and Gulf drags me away to get my camera, I really am extremely happy to see him. Damn, never thought I'd say that.

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