THE wedding

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Mew's POV

I walk up and down the living room nervous. I'm already dressed and ready, waiting for Gulf. I don't know why he still hasn't come out of the bathroom.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" "It's not like we have far to go. Just wait, I'm almost done." Almost done, almost done... what does that even mean... I don't eant us to be late. Shit! Why am I so nervous? It's not like the wedding is legal or something. It's not even a real ceremony. But kinda feels like it is.

I want to call him again but at that moment he steps out. I look at him and forget to breathe. He looks stunning in the suit with a bowtie perfectly tied around his neck. He looks so muscly in those clothes and honestly, really hot. But I mustn't think about that now, we have to go.

"We have to go," I say just to receive a sad look from him. "What?" I ask slightly irritated. "You won't even say I look good? Nothing?" He gives me the puppy eyes which he doesn't do often and doesn't want to leave the appartment untill I acknowledge his good looks. I finally admit he looks great and kiss him. He's a bit surprised but happy: "Shall we go now?" now he asks me.

We arrive at the resort, where everyone is already waiting for us. We walk up to the table where we say our vows. Gulf wants to go first (he can't reas if he cries):
"I don't really know how to speak nicely or poetically or so, therefore I'll just say what I feel.
And that is love. Love for you Mew. I love you and I'll never stop loving you. You are my sun, my moon, my sky, my everything. I can't live without you and neither I want to. I can't imagine not waking up next to you and not seeing you everyday, I can't imagine to live alone again and I can't ever imagine to loose you. You have my heart and my soul Mew. You always will."

He smiles looking at me with tears in his eyes. I'm holding back mine too as I still have to speak. I hold his hand and start talking:
"I've met you,
when I least expected to.
I've found you when I was drowning and you saved me.
I've gotten you when I was alone
and you helped me.
You helped me open up my heart again and believe.
You helped me see the good in you and the good in me.
You showed me that love has no borders and knows no greed.

I want to share with you everything I had, I have and will have.
I want to give you what I can and even what I cannot.
I want to see you happy and most importantly, I want to see you by my side everyday for the rest of my life."

I look in his eyes. He's tearing up. I hug him and we both let our tears fall down. As I take a look at everyone present I see them all wiping their tears. We pull apart and kiss each other. Everyone starts clapping and they cry even more than before.

After that what follows is the dance. For our first dance we've chosen rumba because of it's meaning (it means our relationship is passionate, exciting and full of romance). We start dancing, we've been practising for so long. We really wanted to perfect our dance.

May's POV

We watch them dance. Their movements are so clear, so perfected. Their dancing mesmerizes us. We all look at them with tears in our eyes, standing steady, noone moves, I'm not even sure we're still breathing. It's as uf time has stopped and everything on this planet is here to admire them and their love.
Even when the dance stops, everyone's standing still, afraid to break the beauty of the moment.

Gulf's POV

Everybody's sitting at their table, eating. My hand's resting in Mew's. I look at everyone and see them happy. I can't really believe what's happening. I can't believe I just got married (kind of). I have a husband now!

"Are you okay?" Mew asks and I nod. I pull my chair closer to his and hold his hand with both mine. He also moves towards me, all our hands together now. I look deep into his eyes and smile. "I love you Mew. I really do," I say and he smiles widely. "I love you more." "I love you most."
We kiss and hug. I pull him closer to me and he hugs me even tighter.

People start to applaud us again which makes us blush. We're not used to all the attention.

I've always thought that people who get married like weddings more than the servants do. But it's not true. I hate that this wedding party isn't over yet. I want to fo back to our appartment and celebrate; just the two of us. Thankfully we at least have our honeymoon coming (we don't have to work for 2 weeks!!).

It's finally all over. I don't care about the gifts so I let our sisters take care of them. Tomorrow afternoon we're off to travel. Where and for how long? I don't know, Mew planned everything. As he did that, I asked my sister to help me surprise him...

Mew's POV

I unlock the appartment and we walk in. As soon as we lock the door behind us we start kissing and throwing clothes off of each other. As we approach the bedroom door I stop Gulf. "Wait, we have to do it right," I say and pick him up bridal style. He smiles and kisses me.

When we step in the bedroom I'm taken aback. The bed us covered in rose petals, there're roses sread over the floor in shape of a heart, there are scented candles placed on the window shelf and other shelfs in the room.

I almost drop him and he stands next to me now.
"That... that... When did you do that? It's perfect..." I say and try to catch my breathe as my eyes are filled with tears again. I've never cried that much before in my life.

"I love you Mew. And I wanted to make our night as special as the day was..." He kisses me pationatelly and says again: "I love you." "I love you more." "I love you the most."

Sorry this part's a little longer.
Hope you liked it.
It's over now and I personally love the ending so I hope you do too.
Thanks ti everyone who read that far, I love you all and am happy to have written something for you💕

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