Another wedding

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Mew's POV

For tonight's wedding I'd been asked to take pictures with their photographer because due to sickness they only have one. I'm happy to hear that. Of course I don't feel happy about someone being sick, I feel happy about spending the night with Gulf.

I go to tell him as soon as I find out. "Oh, that's nice. I'm happy for you." I look at him. Happy for me? He explains this means I probably get paid more. I don't understand why he isn't happy for himself, for being around me. He notices me looking bumped, comes near me and says qiuetly: "It's not that I don't wanna be near you, it's just we haven't talked about going publicly and the longer I see you, the more I want to kiss you. It's friggin' hard P' "

He called me P'! I smile widely and as he sees me: "You're blushing," he says, blushing himself. Omg, he's so cute. Now I get what he meant. I turd around to see if anyone's looking in our direction and plant a quick kiss od his cheek. He's surprised and blushes even more. Then he punches my shoulder and walks away.

Gulf's POV

I walk around attending to the guests and look towards Mew every now and then. He looks pretty lost, cause he doesn't know anyone and also doesn't work all the time.

I catch him sitting on the fence talking with the other photographer. I know it's his job but somehow I still get jealous looking at the two. I'd also talk to him and laugh instead of working. I guess our situation will need some getting used to. At least we leave together so I know where he sleeps.

It's past midnight now meaning Mew's job is done. He's currently saying goidbye to the bride and groom and is walkind towards me.
"I'm leaving now. I'll wait for you. Do you need me to do anything?" "It's okay, there really isn't much to do in my room. Also you probably have to work before me so you don't really have to wait..." He looks at me angry-ish. "I said I'll wait for you babe. Just come as soon as you can." He kisses my forehead and before I come to my senses he's gone.

Babe? He called me babe! I'm melting. He also kissed me while the bride was watching us. I feel my face burning up so I turn away for her not to see me blushing. I'm cleaning one table where they've left a bunch of empty bottles as I feel a pat on my shoulder. I turn around and see the bride. "Sorry to pry, I know it's none of my buisness, but. Was the guy who just left, the photographer, I mean IS he your boyfriend?" I nod. "Oh my gosh! You two are so cutee! How he kissed you on the forehead? Iiiii. Sorry, I just think you guys are awesome. And being so opened about it? It's just great. Su su na."

She leaves me alone and goes to find her groom. I think about what see said. I mean I guess we are cute yes, but are we really opened about it? That question stays in my head the rest half a hour till I'm back at my place.

I find Mew awake, reading a book. I take a shower then roll in bed next to him. He puts everything away and puts his hands around me, hugging me tightly. Before I try to fall asleep I kiss him and honestly say: "I love you Mew." He seems surprised but he replies right away saying: "I love you more," followed by a kiss. My heart's beating like crazy. I never thought someone would ever say that to me. But I'm happy he did. "I love you the most," I whisper and move my body even closer to him before we finally fall asleep.

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