Getting serious

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Gulf's POV

I open my eyes and see my hand laying on Mew's chest. I lift my head and rest my chin on his muscles looking him in the eyes. He must've felt me moving cause he opens his eyes. He smiles, kisses me and says: "Good morning." "Morning. Did you sleep well? Hungry yet? Should we get up?" He laughs, pulls me higher so my head now rests on his shoulder and calmly says: "I slept great. I am hungry but I don't think either of us really wants to get up." I smile at him and hug him tighter.

Laying like that he's hugging me and playing with my hair as I caress his chest. From time o time I raise my eyes at him and see his face all serious. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing really. I'm just thinking. It's monday tomorrow and I'll have to leave again. I told you I don't do friends with benefits and it's also clear that we've passes the friendship line. I want to figure out what's next for us since we live three hours apart plus you don't get free weekends as I do. Also I can't go an entire week without seeing you. It was already hard the past week or so..."

I understand him fully. I have thought of that myself and have come to no conclusion. "So what so you suggest?" I ask again, hoping he has an actual idea. He sighs. "I don't know. The best I can think of is one of us moving. Which I think none of us would be willing to do cause it would also mean losing a job. Also if I move here the appartements around are quite expensive and you sure wouldn't like it if I had stayed at your place for long so I really don't know..."

I scratch my head and think. "I can get you a pretty well-paid job if you were to move here. I also don't mind sharing the room with you for a while - until you get your own place. But I agree it's too soon for us to live together longterm." He looks at me and smiles. "Wait, you're serious?" I nod and he kisses me excitedly. Before explaining to him where to get a job we decide to take a shower and finally go eat.

"Now I really don't believe you two are just friend. None of your friends ever come this often P' " the cook says and I only wink at her. She smiles as she gives me my porridge and Mew his omelette. We sit down and glance at each other while eating. When we're done we go to the beach for a walk. Since it's somewhere around 1pm it's really hot so we find ourselves some shadow among the palm trees and sit down his hand around my shoulder.

"So," he says, "I know it's gonna be hard until we figure it out but... If you were serious about getting me a job and if you like me enough of course, why don't we... errr..." "Yes, mew?" I can tell he's nervous and I think I know what he wants to ask so I tease him and force him to finally say it. "Would you date me? I mean be my boyfriend officially?" I smile and kiss him. "Do you really think you still have to ask?" He chuckles and kisses me back. I really can't believe I have an actual boyfriend. I didn't even have many girlfriends in my life, like official girlfriends. It kinda feels weirdly nice and makes my heart extremely warm. I love him. He sees me smiling so he smiles too while we sit still hugging.

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