Chapter -1

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Its easy to relate all things around us.How the warmth of the sun represents happiness,how the rain represents sadness... but does it really? 
The sun seems to boil my skin but I still feel numb. I'm okay.... I'm fine. Its just... something's missing.Something that I can hold onto,or rather someone.Being alone and by yourself is fun... no restrictions,nobody to say "no" to you... Its the most liberating feeling.But like every rose has its thorns,being alone means you have nobody to come home to,you have nobody to care for you,to tell you right from wrong,to help you when your down.

"ELLA!! snap out of it!!" I jump with a startle.Guess I'd been lost in my mind once again."Sorry sammy,its just so hot today,and i feel so tired.Won't happen again", I say with a kind smile to my boss Samantha.

"Its okay Ella,but dont just sit around.I don't pay you for that."She says with a glare and leaves."Whew that was close" i say under my breath.

I've been working at this diner for the past year.Its never quite busy and pays me well.Quite the bonus I'd say.Shit !! I should get back to work.

"Excuse me,miss" a raspy deep voice sounds right behind me.I whirl around with wide eyes to see a man with daunting cold eyes,agitated expression and i know not to mess with him.He looks likes hes having a bad day anyway.

"Hello sir. What would you like to order?" I say with a smile hoping he doesnt take his anger out on me.

"A caramel latte with whipped cream and a bagel if you have it fresh" he says with a nod towards the basket with hot bagels in the display. Surprisingly,he's sholders relax and I smile "coming right up! please take a seat,sir " his eyes widen and then he furrows his brows as if in deep thought.Moments later he shakes his head as if coming out of a trance."Its okay,I'll wait" 

While I'm making the coffee,it seems as though he's assessing me, his constant stare make it quite unnerving.But trying to push it out of my mind I serve him his coffee and immediately he goes to take a sip.I rush to hold onto his wrist. And his touch burns me. huh... must be static.

"careful,you might burn your tongue" i say shyly and look at my shoes,suddenly finding my torn boots much interesting.Should have got them stiched. Suddenly hes holding my chin and holding my stare."Thank you. I've been distracted today.My secretary .... " he sighs in exasperation,shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts and gives me a half smile."I've had a bad day." 

I smile at his honesty.Even if its not much."Its okay.Things might get better soon.My coffee would certainly change your mood. Don't know why you'd order a coffee in this hot weather or wear that blazer . But its your choice."

"I guess I'm used to it...?" he says with furrowed brows as if even he cant believe what he's doing."so how much would it be?" he says with half a smile.

"7 pounds,sir". He slips a 20 pound note. i run it through the till when his voice stops me again "keep it. Thank you for making my day less miserable.Good day,Ella" 

Thats all it took for him to make me blush for the first time because of a boy.... have i lost my mind?

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