Chapter - 4 -Girl on fire

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" She's just a girl , and she's on fire
Hotter than a fantasy , lonely like a highway
She's living in a world , and its on fire
Feeling the catastrophe , but she knows she can fly away "

Girl On Fire - ALICIA KEYS

After a really long time,I'm smiling again.And for no reason at all.Okay I'll admit its a dimpled boy with unruly hair. Harry.I shook my head with a silly smile and entered the building.It was a quiant two-story builing with glass walls.Upon entering the first thing I noticed was the colous sceme- beige with gold.Classy.

"Hello miss.How may I help you?" A soothing voice startles me and i pivot around to see the receptionist smiling at me warmly.she seemed kind and around her 30's if not more. "I'm Ella. Mr. Brown wanted me here today.Is he in?"

"Oh ! You're Ella !! Yes ... He's been waiting for you.Go along the steps. His office is the second door to the left." She says excitedly.Okay.That wasn't creepy at all.I really should stop with the sarcasm.

"Thank you." With that said, I shuffled forward awkwardly towards his office.Its immaculate and clean. Mr. Brown was on his phone when I entered. He raised a finger to indicate me to wait for a minute.

After a couple of seconds he gets off his phone and with a levelved voice says, " No need to beat around the bush with pleasantries.You're here today to reciever your father's last letter to you.Which is also his Will. A key to his locker.Your chilhood house.A restaurant." He looked at me skeptically after he listed all things I now ....have.

"Why wasn't I told about it before? Who's looking after them now? I had to stay in a shelter all these years.... and I HAD A HOME??!!?? .... How could you keep it from me...why..."  I took a deep breath to calm myself.No point screaming at him.

"" He sighed deeply.You were not of eligible age.Your father specified not to.I was close to him Ella.You have'nt seen me around.And your parents didn't pass away in a shipwreck.They were assassinated.Your father worked for the police.He was followed around.The restaurant was just a cover.He was a good man.But.... he wasn't careful one night.His pride got him finally." 

I was speechless.How the events took a turn.No wonder I didn't remember anything about a shipwreck.There was no news about it.Everything I knew.Everything I believed in.It was all a lie.I was living a lie.

"I understand its hard to take it all in, Ella. Here are the documents.And this is the letter.Please understand I wasnt supposed to reveal it all until your 21st birthday. And it took me a while to track you because you left Utah."

"Don't you dare say that you understand Mr.Brown.Because you don't know what it feels like to live a life of lies.You don't know whats it like to know that your father didnt die accidentally.But he was murdered.And nobody...NOBODY tried to get him justice.Did they?" A bitter laugh escapes my lips. 

"A good man indeed.Thats why nobody bothered to take his daughter in? Is that why I've been lied to all my life? Don;t tell me it was to protect me 'cause that would be utter bullshit...and you know it. I was never safe.What I went through.... YOu have no idea.SO don't say...that you understand.."

I took all the documents ,parcels and the envelope containing my dad's letter and  stood up."I'll get back to you after I've gone through the papers." With that I stormed out of the place like a bat out of hell. 

I took lunfulls of fresh air.Gulping down as much as I could.It finally felt better now that I was out of that confined space.I knew nothing good lasts.So now I own a restaurant and a house. Whew...Who knew? And in the middle of the street I was laughing.I was laughing like a maniac...but it felt good.To know not even an hour back I was homeless and without a job.Oh how the times have changed.

Sitting on my futon in my dingy little room I have been reading my father's letter.Apparently he gave his restaurant to the head chef Pierre to run until I was "eligible" to run it. I guess I can manage the restaurant if not cook in it.I would just have to take a tour tomorrow.Maybe Harry can help.His name brings a smile to my face.Again.

As I was looking for a pen to sign a couple documents Mr. Brown handed over to me,I found  Harry's card neatly tucked in between the folds in my purse.I picked it up and scanned it all. Harry Styles. The name sure has a ring to it. Below the card is his phone number.Do I call him.....? Would he be busy?

Deciding that I was just being paranoid over a phone call I dialled his number anyway and held my breath.After 4 agonising long rings,he picked it up."Harry Styles." Came his bold and gruff reply.What? no 'hello?'

"Heyy... Its me...Um... Ella ... the coffee girl?" I bit my lip and mentally slapped myself for soundnig so nervous.Get a grip Ella. "Oh.. yes ofcourse. How're you? I thought you'd never call." I could practically hear the relief in his voice when he realised its was me.

"I need to talk.... um... if you're free... uhh... nevermind sorry.I can't work for you.I sort of got a new job." I  changed my sentence  in the last moment hoping he didn't catch my slip up.What was I thinking asking him to talk to me about everything that went down today.He isn't my friend.

"A new job?But I can pay you much more.And you'll be safe with me... I-in my company I mean.I am free Ella,for you.Always.Tell me what's bothering you." He said softly.Oh hell.What have I got to loose anyways. New beginnings..remember.

"Can't quite say over the phone.Its a lot.Meet me tomorrow?At my new...job?" I say smiling,knowing he'd be surprised.

"You seem happy.I'll be there.Say, at , One PM tomorrow noon.I'll reschedule." I could hear the smile in his voice.This made me smile knowing that he actually wanted to spend time with me.

"Okay.I'll text you address." I said while biting my tongue and restrained myself from sqealing with excitement.

"Allright.Don't have your lunch without me." At this I couldn't stop myself from squealing. "Really? You'd do that ? I'll wait for you.Good night Harry." I said with a blissful sigh.Knowing that I now made a new friend.

"Goodnight Ella." he said and hung up the line. That was nerve wreaking.I'm still blushing hard with a crazy smile on my face. 

                       Sometimes things do happen for good.Nomatter how much pain I've been through,there was always a reason to have faith , to have hope for a better future.I can only hope this new step I took doesn't put me down . 

Author's note: hello!! a new chapter and a new turn of events.How do you feel about her letting her walls down ? and letting Harry in? Was it her right decision?
           To find out whats going on in Harry's mind? Does he really her? Or is he just a player?

Keep reading to find out more.Don't forget to vote and leave your comments!! 

Much love,
Ana :) Xx

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