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"You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know
who you are and to me it's exciting

When you know it's meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you're with me, baby "
Selena Gomez~ Naturally

Being with harry calmed me. It brought along a peaceful feeling deep inside. MAde me feel safe,wanted and .... loved. This terrified me and excited me both. It has been so long feeling lost, depressed,alone and unwanted I had sort of lost hope. 

As the chopper flew across the tall buildings,the lakes, ocean it all seemed surreal. Like living a dream.Never had I ever thought I'd live to witness this day.

Out of nowhere Harry wipes a single tear from my left cheek. I didn't even notice I started crying."What's wrong Ella? Did- Did I do something wrong?" He asked looking concerned. If only you knew harry.

I shook my head at his obliviousness. Atleast this way its better. "I'm just a little emotional is all. Nobody has done anything for me without wanting something in return. Its all so overwhelming. Never thought I'd have a friend. Ever." I said with bulging eyes to emphasise my point. He looks at me strangely and bursts out laughing. I liked seeing him laugh. It just lit up the whole room. And knowing he doesn't laugh often ,its like I've achieved something making him laugh without much effort.

And we laugh together all over again. Its so easy just being with him.It all comes naturally.And just like that my mind is at ease again.

We landed on another rooftop.But this time we were greeted by a beautiful woman who was older and so beautiful.She had this mischievious spark in her eyes and I envied her immediately.She had a daunting aura that told you not to mess with her.But her wide smile also invited you to get closer. 

Harry walked straight into her arms and left me behind.Confused and a bit hurt I stood behind with a frown while she pats his head and they whisper conspiratorily.Seemed really close. But what surprised me most is, Harry was being back to his frowning,grumpy self. Even his posture was stiff. 

As if noticing or rather feeling my stare they turn in sync to look at me. And finally harry seemed to smile and called me forward.As I walked right beside him,I noticed she was wearing a designer dress. Obviously rich too. "This is Ella, my best friend... and Ella, this is my sister Alex. She owns this hotel we're standing on.But we wont stay here for long."He said with a smile looking into my eyes,as if his sister didn't even matter to him anymore.

"Hello." I felt so awkward standing here. Just plain old me and she was just.... everything I could never be. Even if I own a company now, a mansion too but how could I compare to her ? Next thing I know I'm being pulled into a warm hug by her.

"I'm so glad you've decided to be friends with him ella. He's smiled because of you. I've never seen him this much happy in so long." She said in a quivering voice. When she left me from her embrace, She wiped a tear away. Just how much has he changed? What happened for him to not 'smile anymore'.

Noticing my confusion, harry clears his throat from beside me "Now don't hog my best friend,find your own!! She makes me happy. She's just that much talented " he said with a wink. Feeling insulted, I went to hit him on his head. "Ouch!!that hurt ella.What's with hitting me today? "

Then with an evil glint he was about to hit me back but I ducked under his arms and ran away around the chopper. "Ella! I'll get you one way or another. You can't escape me."

Heaving and gasping I wait for him to catch upto me and then kiss his cheeks and nose as an apology for hurting him twice. Still proud of my baseball bat. All the while smiling I keep looking into his eyes.But as if a swich flipped off, his eyes turned darker and he licked his lips getting closer. Then in a moment he licked my nose and ran off right behind her! Argh that bloody dipshit. He just had to trick me.

"Fiiine harry!! I give up." He was back to laughing and she was looking at him like a miracle just happened. I know Alex, I feel the same way . As if noticing our stares he stopped laughing and said in an even tone "C'mon Ella. We don't have all day.Bye Alex. Its rude to stare. I'm hot I know." With that ,we laughed all the way back to the elevators.

"Make sure you don't break stuff around while playing." Alex hollered behind us.

"I like your sister.She's easy to get around with." I said with absolutely honesty and excitement.I could be friends with her too.She seemed to really care for harry and a nice person too."I hope you still like me better.I found you first". he said with a pout.Aww....

"You'll always be my first harry" I don't know why but hearing this,harry's whole face just lit up like a christmas tree.

"You know Ella, I was thinking about how all your life you've spent growing up and looking after yourself and others around you."he held my shoulders,stopping me in my tracks effectively."Well , now I want to look after you." he said slowly in a don't-argue-with-me-I-know-what-I'm-talking-about voice.

Moving a strand of hair from my face he continued, " So, I'm thinking we should write each other a list of things that we would like to experience together and think that the other hasn't done yet,and definate;y should." he said while massaging my ear.Damn does that feel good.

Say what? "you mean like a bucket list of doing things together? I'll make one for you and you'll make one for me?" When he nods to confirm it. I just shake my head. " I'm not doing perverted stuff.That's all you think about anyways."I said with a chuckle trying to pry his hands off.

"No ella,I'm serious. Like remember how you said you've never been to a carnival,lets put that in first order for my list and how you said eating guavas with lemon and salt tastes amazing? lets put it in yours for me. Just be creative and do things together. Just think about it.It will be real fun." He shook me so hard,I might have fell if not for the pillar supporting me.Sheesh!!

"OKay! okay... let me go now. I'll think about it when we go home. Baby steps huh?" I said with a small smile reminding him of our promise.

"baby steps. But it all comes so naturally with you ells, I'm so happy its you. Thank god for my horrible morning and your wonderful coffee." He said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Stop doing that.It doesn't make you look adorable at all" Now he folded his hands together and smiled with his head tilteed. about being adorable.He looks like a complete toddler now.Unable to resist I went to poke his dimles and kiss him on his nose.

But being the cheeky lad he is, he just had to dodge the kiss and our lips met.

Authour's Note
So they kissed..... or not.
what will happen? :O
how do you think Ella would react?
was it intentional by harry?
is he playing her?

vote and coment for an early update tommorrow :)

Much love,
Ana :) Xx

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