Chapter 20 Safe and Sound

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Are we ever really safe? Am I ever going to be able to live without fear? Who am I kidding, right? My life was always miserable. From the day I was born, I've been tossed around. What wrong have I ever done? 

Funny how karma doesn't give us benefits for good deeds. But then again, I found Harry. Its a miracle, I still can't wrap my mind around. Am I grateful? Fuck yeah! but I'm still skeptical. Knowing my luck something awful is just round the corner.There's just no end to it. What next? My parents would be resurrected? 

Dammit! I'm overthinking again. Its the caffeine. I should get some sleep.But I'm anxious. After having the disastrous phone call with his parents, I'm on edge.He was right. His mom was indeed intimidating. Got my buried haunted memories back from my orphanage days.

I was shiverring sitting on the porch steps during a thunderstorm.I was locked outside because I failed to do my duty and fell asleep. I was supposed to fold the blankets on upper wing but I was too tired and fell asleep on the pile insted.

The thunder roared through the building and rattled its panes.The wind was howling all around.I kept my ears blocked , but nothing seemed to help at all.

The door was yanked open behind me and Miss. Patcher was looking at me with a scowl, "I told you to stay at the ground not here on my porch.You're getting mud piles allover.Clean it up first thing tomorrow morning.No dinner for you.Get in!" 

Muttering my apology and shaking like a leaf on the winter day I walked past her with my head bowed down.As I did, she smacked me hard behind my head and then yanked on my hair. "Do as told this time." She all but spat at my face.

Wiping her spit, I stomped my way to my room.

Hearing a rattle beside me, I looked up to see Harry was awake and I smiled in relief and brushed his hair back from his forehead. He was observing me all the while. For the first time ever, I liked this silence between us. It was peaceful. 

"Sleep well ?" I asked him after a while. " Hmm.... You?" He asked in a groggy voice. It sounds too good on him. I shook my head... I couldn't sleep. 

"No wonder you look like shit.I wanna go home.Thank god they're discharging me today. What were you thinking about.You looked like you were about to cry" He asked pointedly all the while staring at me with an intensity that made me feel inferior. Well I was, but he didn't have to shove it down my throat. 

"I was just thinking about how your mum was really intimidating, then I sorf of ........" I shrugged hoping he would understand.

"Sort of ...what?" Sometimes boys could be so cluelesss. I swear he was doing this on purpose.Heaving a sigh, I decided telling him the truth won't hurt.

"I sort of remembered some bad incident from my childhood.The only other woman who ever intimidated me. She was the warden in the orphange and she was most rude to me." I gasped startled at the sudden realisation.

"Carter ! Harry , she was carter's wife. She died soon after I was trasferred to the orphanage. I think we can trace Carter's obsession with me from there. But he said he knew my father.IT doesn't make sence." I said as an after thought.

"We'll figure it out Ella, Just rest for now.And take a shower, or two. You really stink." He said with scrunched up nose.I pinched it playfully.

"Oh I do know all your hi-tech stuff. You'll figure it all out in no time. But.. I'm skeptical about erm.... your parents.They didn't seem too happy about me.Alex was mad at me too. Oh and I don't smell. I'll shower when we get home.You need to as well."

"Good thing too, You get to see me naked this time. We can finally be even " He winked at me and I swatted his arm. Then I gasped in horror. "Oh my God Harry, you okay? I'm so sorry ,I completely forgot about your arm.I'm so so sorry Harry, I'll even cook for you.Please forgi-" 

I was cut off from my rant by him kissing me.It felt good and... comforting. I missed this, I missed us. It was only a day, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already addicted to the way he tasted.I was addicted to him and he was my only drug.He was my only cure to keep me from going insane.

If only things would last this way forever.I didn't know what would happen after we wentt back to the real world, but one thing was for sure, there was bound to be tighter security.And I was most certain he would never let me out of his sight.Not that I wanted to either.But sometimes. I needed my privacy and space.

I had this feeling that things were going to get better.We just had a little hurdle to cross.Until then,I could enjoy cause I knew deep down,He'll keep me safe and sound.Always.

We were on the couch,him lying on top of me and me reading a magazine while brushing his hair occasionally.The door opened to reveal the nurse with a tray filled with food and a cup with some pills.I hope these weren't for me.

"Eat up kid, both of you. Ella, make sure he takes his medicines too.He can be real stubborn" I nodded amused and she left us soon.On her way back,she tuned around.

"I could hear you guys making out.Even if hospitals are where life comes and goes, don't yet make babies on the hospital bed."  

I blushed the colour of the tomato soup she kept on the tray and bowed my head embarrassed.Then hid behind the magazine I was reading.Why did all the old women think it was cool to embarass us? It wasn't fair !!!

"So, would you like to make babies or wat would me?" I glared at him and pushed him out of my lap.Then rolled the magazine and hit him upside his head.He winced through his teeth.

"Sheesh! you got an arm.I take it you don't like the food? How about I order some pizza? Okay!!" He raised his arms in defence once he saw I was about to hit him again.Then regretted it the moment his eyes scrunched up in pain.

"Can't you be careful! they told you not to move much.I'll eat it up.Just do as said." I picked up the spoon and we ate the soup and bread in silence. Well more like I fed him,but... you get the point. 

We stared at each other and made faces constantly,oblivious to the things happening outside our room.Why should we care anyway,he hired 8 bodyguards and a complet e surveillance team for that. We were enjoying being silly and cherishing every moment we could.It was nice,blissful and just.... wasrm.Even away from home,I felt right at home.Because now,

Home was no longer a place, it became a person for me.I was falling in love and for the first time, I wasn't cautious anymore.I let myself enjoy and live.Who knew when it would all be taken away from me.Atleast I'll have this memories to live by. 

Harry and Ella. Our story. Our memories. Our life. We were bonded now, I could just feel it. 

:::A/N :: 

I hope I can update more frequently from now. I've had a rough time recently and hope you'll would forgive me?

Any guesses what could happen next in their life? Is harry on the same page as Ella? Would his family accept her?

To find out more, stay connected !

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