Chapter-7- Try with me

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" Everybody needs a chance at love
       That's all we need
 If you wanna have a chance at us
       Then try with me"

Nicole Scherzinger- Try with me

I woke up feeling warm and happy like usual.Well its been usual this past week. I had moved into my real home a couple of days before.I still get lost in the house sometimes much to Harry's amusement. 

But my smile drops as I see that I have yet to recieve any messages from Harry.I'm so used to waking up to his sweet messages that I feel as if something's amiss now. Until now, I never really realised how attached I got to Harry. And I don't regret it onw bit. Hope I'll never have to. 

Humming to myself I  peel out of my clothes and jump into the shower.Out of nowhere I hear a crash downstairs. Biting my tongue to hold in my screams, I wrap a towel and taking a baseball bat in hand go in scearch for the intruder.

Being quiet is not my forte so I'm moving really slow to make sure I don't make a sound.Once I reach the kitchen,I hold the bat on my sholder,ready to swing it and wait for the intruder.Any second now. Then I hear it. The footsteps.Heavy boots... hmm... definately a theif... Taking a deep breath I swing my bat with a battle cry and hit him. 

"How dare you sneak into my house. Take that you  moth....." I stop in the middle of cursing to see Harry with a basket in a hand and other holding his nose that is now bleeding. Shit... shit shit shit double shit fuckface. What the hell... 

"Did you have to hit my nose for trying to surprise you? Damn does it hurt." He looks at me with a glare. Okay.... I totally deserved it...but...

"I just woke up, and... Hey!! eyes up mister!!" should have wore more than a towel.Damn him for making me paranoid. "You didn't text me.I was worried...and just barged into my house.I live alone....what did you expect?" 

At this he looked .... guilty.. " I- You said I never quite enjoy. I took my day off to go somewhere with you. I was preparing breakfast and a picnic basket. Please change Ella... Its distracting. I can't think straight." he said with a glare.

"Wow.... okay.. I'll be ready in a bit. And come along... your nose needs to be patched up... I hope its not broken." I said with a grimmace.

As we walk side by side, we keep stealing glances and one another. Finally he seems to lighten up and smirks at me,"Something amusing you, El ?" 

"Oh absolutely not, its just I did an impressive hit back there.... if only it was actually a delinquent...would have taught him a good lesson." I said with a huff and tried to suppress my smile.At this, he gave out a boisterous laugh. 

"Oh God , El.... really though... you had a mean hit right there. Almost broke my nose. Wow." Once reaching my room, I pointed him to sit on my bed while I collected my clothes to change in the bathroom as planned and bring him the first aid kit from the cabinet later.

As I was looking through my cabinet for alcohol wipes aftre changing into a cute white lace dress, I heard harry shuffling around. " Are you looking for something H ? "

"Just going through your album here. You looked pretty adorable as a kid." Wait...what..? I can;t let him see my past.Not like this. Holding on to the kit I rushed out of the toilet and snached the album straight out of his hands. 

"Don't go through my stuff like that again. I'm not ready to share that part of my life yet." I say in a thunderous voice even I can't recognise.Even he flinched at my tone. But I meant it...can;t back down now.

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