Chapter -3- Holding on & letting go

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"It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go"
~~ Ross Copperman - holding on and letting go

"Say something Ella..what did she say?" Harry's scearching my eyes but I can't tell him how mch it hurt.I cant tell him what really hurts me. Can't show him my weakness.In a flash he's fuming.

With a determined look he took off towards the supply room. And again I took hold of his wrist . I looked in his eyes pleadingly " I lost my job. I have to go."

At this I was expecting some form of sympathy from him.Pity even. But he just got this doe eyed look insted .WHAT?? I stared at him in confusion.

" Now who would make me the best coffee in all of New York? ", he answered my unasked question. That sure brought a smile to my face.

"Maybe when I get a new job" I said back with a shrug.  

"In a new diner closer to home. I've some place to be at today. See you soon,Harry " .
"The next bus to NYC has been delayed by an hour.Please stay with us. Thank you ." an overly annoying voice speaks through the speaker.Gosh!! Another hour of torture.

A couple of minutes later a black Rangerover pulls up. The windows roll down revealing Harry.

"Come on Ella, I'll drop you where you need to be." He said with a charming smile.I was getting late anyways,what harm could it bring? It was just a simple ride. A ride with a complete stranger. THIS is the reason  I sometimes genuinely wish my conscience wasn't so strong and independent.

Deciding against my better judgement I find myself saying " That would be great.Thank you Harry." He walked out of his door and opened the passerger side for me.Chivalry isn't dead yet.

The interior was absolute black leather.I inhaled deeply the sweet fragrance of vanilla.Absolute heaven.It calmed me down a little.

"You could have just asked me in the cafe Ella.Where to?"He looked at me waiting for the adress."Um.. To the central park please. I'll get the exact adress".I fished out in my little purse for the card Mr.Brown left me last night.

"Here.This says where I need to be at." I held the card out for Harry to take.As he did,his fingers brushed my palm.Instantly,I felt little tingles shoot up my arm.What was that? Ignoring the sensation,I snatched up my hand back and looked out the window while he asked his driver to drive up towards the destination.

"What makes you to visit a lawyer? Everything okay?"He asked.Somehow he sounded curious.

"He didn't quite specify.Said I just HAD to be there today.Its kind of important." I said with furrowed brows.Should I tell him what exactly important means ? "Its..erm... about my father's will" I said under my breath praying he didn't hear and hoping somehow that he did. 

"WHAT??" He turned to me with a cocked head."You're father is....?" 

"Yes" I said with a timid voice fidgeting in my seat."I've been an orphan since I was six.A shipwreck.I don't remember any of it though." I avoided looking into his eyes.I didnt want to see his pity.

"Don't please.Its been so long.It does'nt matter anymore.Don't feel sorry for me." I looked at him sternly."I've survived this far on my own. I'll do it in the future." He looked down at his lap.Shit! what was i thinking. 

"Harry... I'm sorry... Its just that I'm tired of people making fun of me or pitying me.I have been nervous all morning, lost my job... I didn't mean to last out on you like that." I said trying to make him feel better.He has been nothing but nice to me.

"No... Ella,Its okay... Its a shock really.You're a strong girl.I admire you for that. I was just thinking. Yesterday my secretary....she.." He sighed as if exasperated at the situation."She tried to seduce me.I fired her.And .. I was hoping if you'd work for me?" he tried to smile... tried

"Also,you can make me that amazing coffee of yours everyday." He said while wiggling his eyebrows and I burst out laughing.It felt so good to laugh this hard after a while. When i turned,he was staring at me in awe. "What...?" I asked still smiling.He shaked his head,"you should laugh more often, you've got a beautiful laugh."

I feel my cheeks getting hotter.Am I blushing all because of Harry again? I try to hide my flaming cheeks behind my hair.But he had other plans.He tilted my face up with his forefinger and slid my hair behind my ear.

"Don't hide from me" he whispered huskily.I involuntarily shivered and moved back.I cleared my throat and looked out of the window."Oh!! Its the central park,we're almost there."

"Seems like we are" Harrry grumbles beside me like a kid denied his favourite candy.

"See you around Harry.Thank you for the ride." As I was about to get out of the car,he held onto my shoulder."Wait. Here. Keep my card.Bring your resume.I'm serious.I'd like to have you in my company." My mouth fell open at this.

"You own a company?" I asked flabbergasted. He looked at me strangely like i grew two heads all of a sudden. "
Ofcourse I do. I own a group of companies.All over the US and the UK.I thought you knew who I was." He said with a hurt expression.

"I do now.So you want me in YOUR company or in your COMPANY?" I smirked at him.And FINALLY he's back to smiling.ANd oh how sexy that smile is.Wait what??!!?? sexy? SEXY? when did I find men sexy?? Oh god! get a grip on yourself.

"I'll keep in mind.Thank you so much Harry,This means a lot to me.Really."I smile genuinely and walk out in the cool morning air.It was cloudy today.Rain would do some real good to the city.It has been burning up like embers in the past couple of days.
                 Holding onto the past would do me no good.It only made me bitter.I hope with this new job I can have a fresh start at life.I'll be opening up a new door, a new chaper and hope this one is better than most. 
I'll be letting go of my past.This time maybe a new change is what's really needed.

Maybe,just maybe...My prayers would be answerd soon.   

authors note:-
Hello my lovely readers.Hope you love reading my story as much as I love writing it.I'm so excited about where I'm planning for this story to go. Don't be a silent reader and vote for me please?

I'd love to hear what you think about my story and my characters :)

Ana :) Xx

The chapter is dedicated to my first wattpad friend Rebekah. I personally recommend her Niall story.Its phenomeniall !! 

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