Untitled Part 24

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It echoed in my mind all around as I once again laid in his arms on the floor .

The soft tender touches of his fingers running along the contours of my skin calmed me down to a state of obliviousness. The world around me faded away and all I could feel was how alive I felt in every inch of my skin he touched.

I don' t think he was aware of the effect he had on me. Infact he wasn't even thinking. He was lost in his thoughts somewhere.

Looking up I traced his jaw and his frown smoothed out. With a tender look he smiled back at me and held me tighter.

We just....knew.

Words weren't needed to say what we were thinking. We were content.

Nothing lasts forever and our moment of bliss came to an end when we heard the incessant knocking on the door.

"I completely forgot about her.  She's gonna be more pissed off now. No. Ella. Don't you dare blame yourself about it. We're in this together." 

Stifling a sigh, I nodded solemnly and moved to stand. Keeping my head low I moved to stand behind him while he opened the door to his mom. But he would have none of it, being as stubborn as he is, he pulled me in front of me and held me hostage in his arms.

"So I gather she isn't going anywhere? You do realize she's a threat to us. How long have you known her , Harry? I thought I raised you better than that. You don't go with your instincts, we aren't animals, Harry.We're humans.We have a brain for a reason, to think and watch and learn. " she said with a sneer. She was right. I was a threat to his family. But harry's grip tightened. I knew he'd give me up now. There was no point.

" I know , mum." He said with a frown. " I know she's a threat. I know we're humans, I know you raised me good. But what I also know is that I love her. I need her in my life and I want her as my family.She is my family now. And you raised me to stand by my family and protect it no matter what, and that is exactly what I'll be doing ,mum. If you want, we can arrange for as much security as you'll need but I'm not letting her go. Not now, not ever."

I wasn't shocked by his declaration,no. I was just touched and I couldn't breath either. I was frozen in time. My world was spinning and suddenly all I could see were dancing spots and I crashed while i could hear faint screams from all around. I faintly could feel harry holding onto me before it all faded away.

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